Statistics don't mean much taken outside the context of practical applications and tactics. The only thing that matters with Destruction is whether or not it works. If it does its job, then does it really matter how it stacks up against One Handed and Two Handed? I would be interested in hearing from players who apply Destruction intelligently and creatively. So far, the complaints about Destruction make it seem that mages are being played just like swordsmen, but with spells for blades.
31 mage.
Pure destruction + Restoration for the ills.
Creatively.. Well, I don't have silent casting so I can't set up rune traps without getting heard.
Even if the rune trap goes off it doesn't dent the +1 or +2 mobs.
Once mobs know you're there, you have three threats: The humpers, the pokers, and the yous. If the humper is the +2 and he has minions, you're screwed. Pokers (bowmen) are rarely +2s. If the you (mage) is the +2, odds are everything you kill is coming back, so it's a game of "Can I stagger the mage while I'm getting beaten by minions", because if you try to kill the minions you'll run out of magicka way before you get to the boss.
Stagger is OP, unless there's more than one +1/+2 mob, or if that mob has more health than you have magicka.
You either have to use companions and single-target spells (CAREFULLY), or no meatshield and AOE spells, hoping you kill +0/+1 minions fast enough.
If, unlike most situations, you are out in the open, it becomes a game of "Can I outrun/kite the humpers long enough to kill them". Unless you get one-shotted by the pokers, which are now +1's at least. This happens often. [censored] bandit archers.
In the end, I've had to rely on AI and/or pathfinding glitches a lot of the time.
I play a mage in lots of games. I haven't found how to play destro focus well at all. There may be a way, but it doesn't really work until you have the USEFUL skills in the other trees, like frost astronarch, or 4x armor, or silent casting, etc. Which (usually) put you behind severely in destro.
And, this is just my experience. I'm sure other people have different experiences.
Now excuse me while I go roll a Heavy Armor/Conjuration orc.