» Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:16 am
First: excellent work, KINGPIX, for being able to combine all of the elements of the best armor mods to date into one package; it's really awesome you were able to get privs for darknut's textures on top of everything else. I have just three things to mention beyond praise:
1. There is a problem with the glass towershield mesh; it has holes on the back side that one can see through.
2. It would be nice to see the elements of Baldurian's transparent glass series incorporated into the glass meshes.
3. Moving forward with reflect maps, the shields are begging for this treatment, as are the blades of most of the weapons.
I don't know how handy you are with blender so I'm not necessarily saying you would be the one to do it. Just putting it out there as things that could be done if someone decided they wanted to mess more with these.