Its RyderXF here, i just bought this game yesterday in Germany for 45€, after bringing it to my home i inserted the disc and aborted the autorun to open the DVD:
First thing-No Cryengine 3 Editor (Sandbox 3) i was really dissapointed and completly mad 'cause i saw all these videos about how great it is and then it isnt there, i instantly throw the DVD out of my PC back into the box (yeah i do this with one throw cause im awsome) and started to google about it and i found out that it comes somewhere around the summertime, maybe because of the leaked beta or somethin(if so i have only one thing to say, you give the piraters more than the guys who actually buy the game by taking somethin out so pirating gets something positive, if you didnt leaved it out because of that than forget that).
Enough from the Editor.
I bought the Limited edition cause i dont wanted to start completly over after leveling in the demo.
So i installed the game, started it, configured a little bit and started the singleplayer just to exit it cause it seemed my PC only works with the middle graphic config what brings me to the next Topic of my documentation.
The graphics:
First off i really dont like the Graphic settings cause the way you "configure" the graphics are not how i define "configure". There are only 3 presets, good-really good, extreme.....i want to change the anti-aliasing, the antistrophic filters and so on. so that gives a minus in the Configuration aspect.
Okay, now i wanna talk about the ingame graphics how they look etc. but i dont thing i know any english word that would describe those graphics. Even on low settings it looks like the highest on Crysis 1. I felt like my eyes getting crushed into my head and squashing my BRAIN OUT OF MY F**** HEAD! when i saw the graphics (and remember i only play on middle config). there is really nothing to say more.
So lets get to the Gameplay(much more important than graphics for me):
I think you really did improvements there, the way you change the nanosuit modes is very quick i also like how some modes are built into actions(like running or holding meele attack(jumping)). I can react much faster than in Crysis 1, also the Visor has been improved very well, scanning for objects, marking them and stealthing your way through is just what i like about crysis cause i was always the stealthy kind of guy.
Now i want to talk about the (for me the most important(even more than graphics)) STORY:
So the Story is well made, epic cutscenes and very dramatic moments. I really felt like i got a relationship with the nanosuit as it comes out that i wouldnt life without it and that its repairing my body by fusing with it. I also like the new aliens and what happens is always logic. The C.E.L.L. as a private army also feels logic and isnt placed wrong in this scenario in my opinion.
But there are some con's i have to give. At the beginning the Story progresses REALLY slow as i have to walk 3 chapters to Nathan Gould just to hear him saying that he left his laboratory to walk to his house on the other side of the street and forget his dumb computer. But after that its fine.
Now to the Multiplayer:
General Problems:
I first had to give my cd-key in again wich confused me because i did when i installed the game. After that i saw a button which close the game and opens a website where i can register my limited edition. i clicked on it and on the webside there was a message that told me to register. After i registered myself i got asked to set my system specs and my profile things. I did but after that i forgot why i even went to this side and started the game again, pressed on the multiplayer and...what the hell?-CD-Key? but i already ga...GIVE ME YOUR CD KEY!!!! i verified the game the 3th time. in the mpmenu i remembered to go on this side, i got to the side again and registered it without problems. then i started the game again, clicked on multiplayer and...
CD-KEY PLEASE!!! This game has a dementia! so i verified the game for the 4th time. After that a message got bumped on my screen that i got several extras caused by the limited edition. Fine i thought. i setted up everything choosed my mystery dogtags and created a class. After that i searched for a game to play. I found one and started.After playing some minutes in the multiplayer, i got thrown out cause i lost the connection(i tried it several times again and it always happens) but as you can see from my signature i dont have a bad connection so i suggest it is a bug? well after that i was in the Welcome Menu, i clicked on the MP and guess what? PLEASE VERIFY YOUR CD-KEY. that was the moment i sweared to god i never ever press the Multiplayer button in this game for my whole life.(what i didnt done after this till now)
Gameplay in Multiplayer:
However the few minutes ingame where perfect, its all lagg free, the weapons, controls and nanosuit react as fast as in the singleplayer so nothing to be mad about here.
We are near the end with our last category:Unsorted Bugs:
1.When going from the singleplayer menu to the multiplayer menu the music from the menu before wont stop so i have 3-100 background musics playing the same time -.- thats really annoying.
2.The C.E.L.L. AI is perfect but the aliens often stuck at a corner or loose me because im hiding behind a glass.
Okay we're at the End where i make some kind of rating(+=pro -=con O=somethin in the middle):
Multiplayer(-) (sorry but its too bugged i cant play it for 5 minutes)
CryEngine 3 Sanbox 3(-) (not even existing so all those videos on youtube are evil lies until there is a editor)
Now to my Personal overall rating in %:
The game is awsome and ingame are nearly no bugs but some features are too buggy to use or even not integrated. However it gets 68% out of 100% because i can nearly dont play online and a whole feature is not integrated, sorry.
Ok that was my little Feedback thingi, @Crytek:I hope it helps you, i will update this and make kind of a list with date's if it improves after patches.
@Community:Do you think that what i said is what you think? is there anything you are thinking different about or do you want to add something? please answer the Poll as a feedback for me(you can tick up to 3 things) and write if you want to add something or you feel like there is something wrong, thanks!
Okay, thats it thanks for reading this and i hope to see you commenting this post!