» Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:55 pm
Seems like a lot of people are not seeing the forest for the trees. Then again some of you are just [img]http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/174/trollface.png[/img]
In an era where video game sequels are being rushed to market as early as 8 months after the predecessor, I think it's great that gamesas are taking their time with this one. Don't get me wrong, they are really marketing and hyping the crap out of this game, but that is called trying to sell your product and if they don't sell their product, then there will be no Elder Scrolls VI: The Undiscovered Black Marsh. Anyway, my opinion on this is that people should stop worrying about the minute details of things that are, as yet, unconfirmed and just try to be happy that gamesas appears to really be focusing all their resources on improving this series of games for each new title that gets released. From the info I've read posted by the OP (thank you so much BTW for posting this OP), it seems like gamesas is really trying to address many of the fan base's major concerns and so far they are doing a good job of it. And I'm sure there will be issues with Skyrim as well, but 1) I dare any of you to make a better game, and 2) all video games have their shortcomings. I have complete faith that gamesas will address the major Skyrim concerns in the next TES release. But right now, all I want to do is play Skyrim. By all means, when things get confirmed and once you see some more in-depth gameplay footage, go ahead and pick it apart. But it does nothing to just gripe about things in the game that haven't even happened yet. When I look at the overall picture I like what I see and I plan on losing my already limited social life come November 11th.
Just my two cents...