begin 01mc_collisionwall1155432short DoOnceif ( DoOnce == 1 ) returnendifif ( DoOnce == 0 ) if ( GetCollidingPC == 0 ) return endif if ( GetCollidingPC == 1 ) If ( GetJournalIndex "mc_dissidentpriest" != 340 ) return endif if ( GetJournalIndex "mc_dissidentpriest" = 340 ) "01mc_DrevisTaphael"->addspell "01mc_ordinatorsummonspell" "01mc_DrevisTaphael"->cast "01mc_ordinatorsummonspell", "01mc_enslavedordinator" "01mc_DrevisTaphael"->cast "01mc_ordinatorsummonspell", "01mc_enslavedordinator1" "01mc_DrevisTaphael"->cast "01mc_ordinatorsummonspell", "01mc_enslavedordinator2" "01mc_DrevisTaphael"->cast "01mc_ordinatorsummonspell", "01mc_enslavedordinator3" Journal "mc_dissidentpriest" 350 set DoOnce to 1 endif endifendifend
What this does is gives a spell effect when you step on the box, and then the journal update starts another script that teleports each of the npc's being casted upon to a new location infront of you. This is the script on them:
begin 01mc_ordinatorsummonupshort DoOnceif ( DoOnce == 1 ) returnendifif ( DoOnce == 0 ) if ( GetJournalIndex != 350 ) return endif if ( GetJournalIndex = 350 ) "01mc_enslavedordinator1"->PositionCell, 2576 4568 12126 0 "Abal ChuFlour's Shack, Hidden Area" "01mc_enslavedordinator"->PositionCell, 2501 4503 12125 0 "Abal ChuFlour's Shack, Hidden Area" "01mc_enslavedordinator2"->PositionCell, 2505 4570 12125 0 "Abal ChuFlour's Shack, Hidden Area" "01mc_enslavedordinator3"->PositionCell, 2505 4629 12125 0 "Abal ChuFlour's Shack, Hidden Area" Journal "mc_dissidentpriest" 360 Set DoOnce to 1 endifendifendThis script is placed on a red sound marker and the first one on the blue collision box, by suggestion of PeachyKeen.
Now, my problem is that when I walk over the box, the npc only cast the spell once, then nothing else happens. No journal update or anything. Is there a solution? Should I make a individual script for each one of the ordinator's that are being teleported?
EDIT: Is it possible to have multiple actors for one line?
"01mc_DrevisTaphael"->cast "01mc_ordinatorsummonspell", "01mc_enslavedordinator", "01mc_enslavedordinator1" ; etc.