Sounds simple, but I want to be able to detect when a hit is blocked the moment the block happens and have the game apply an effect. Specifically, making it so blocking no longer deals health damage.
The best way for me to do this is if there was a perk conditional that detected when an attacker's hit gets blocked. Is there such a thing? I couldn't find anything that would obviously point to that. I.E. I have a perk entry point applied to the player that mods incoming damage to zero, and under the "attacker" conditional I would ideally apply something along the lines of "HitBlocked == 1".
Currently that's how I have it set up, except I'm detecting instead when the player is blocking. This "works" but it makes it so that whenever the player holds the shield up, the player gets immune to all damage sources no matter where they come from. I ONLY want to block 100% of damage from physical attacks that hit the shield (aka - a hit is blocked, versus a hit hitting the player while they happen to have the shield up).
Scripting doesn't work, because scripts are reactionary. I.E. i can detect when a player is hit and I can detect if that hit was blocked.. but that condition only fires after the damage has already been done.
So, any help? If there was a conditional that was able to detect when an attacker's hits get blocked, or if there was a conditional that was able to detect when a player blocks an attack, that would be perfect. Right now I can only seem to detect when the player is actually in a blocking animation though, which doesn't work out (as it has the "you block 100% of all damage" effect being applied to the player everywhere as long as they hold their shield up, regardless if the hit was actually blocked)