someone posted earlier that after E3 they decided to get rid of it because lots of people didnt like it. i did a quick google but didnt see anyting but i didnt look for very long either. im gonna do some more digging.
actually i found this........
The design has been updated to utilise a cover system should you choose to engage it. As the game is first person, it is only if you press a key when up against a wall that the view changes to third person perspective. As soon as you move away from the wall, the game returns to first person. You don't have to engage the cover system if you don't want to. You can just easily walk up to that same wall in first person and never see the third person cover. It remains your choice... an option if you wish to see the way Adam looks with augmentations you've chosen throughout the game.
Stealth in DX:HR is based on light and sound; shadows are no longer used as the primary stealth element - it will be line-of-sight and sound propagation. You can hide anywhere you see fit as long as you're hidden by an obstacle and don't produce too much noise.
heres the link to the full article.
i am very happy now.

it only works if you use a certain key (which i will make sure to change to some obscure key like home or page so that i never have to worry about it). and the cheaters can continue to use it if they want to. everyone is happy.