its just not immersive.
first person games are by definition supposed to be immersive and everytime you force someone out of that view for a cinematic simply takes the game away from the player so that some animator can show of his skills.
To you, it's not immersive. To be clear, "immersion" is by definition, nothing more than when you cease to be aware of the boundaries inherent in the medium. When you're getting into a book and are no longer aware the you're just reading printed words, you're immersed. When you're no longer aware of the environment outside of the boundaries of your TV screen when watching a good movie, that's immersive. It's a highly subjective matter, and not something you can make broad generalizations about. There's nothing inherent, of itself, about first-person view that automatically makes it more immersive than any other point of view.
Frankly, I find first person rather limiting, and a lot of the difficulties I run into that mode serve to pull me out of the game just as much as "seeing through the eyes of the character" (which is inaccurate, unless the main character has tunnel vision and blinders on,) serves to add to immersion for other players. When I have trouble navigating through a narrow doorway and bump into the wall instead, I don't find that particularly immersive. When I fall off a ledge because I can't see where my feet are, that pulls me out of the moment and makes me realize I'm playing a videogame, as well.

They are reducing one of my favorite games into a casual futuristic shooter. And pray tell, why is everyone making the same game in this generation? You know, with automated cover system and instant health refills? Why are these two game mechanics FOTM? We need something revolutionary. Health system of the original DX caused you to move slower when you get shot in the legs, and lowered your accuracy when you got shot in the arms. The EZ mode instant regeneration will not have such consequences, instead they'll try to make the game look good with fancy stylish third person animations, which I couldn't care less about.
Maybe I'm biased, because I'm still getting my head around the concept of X-Com being "rebooted" as a first-person shooter; but personally, compared to that, none of the changes I've heard about in this game from the previous ones really stack up as all that big of a paradigm shift.
For one, I find it a bit of a leap in logic to assume that auto-regen (for a superhuman cyborg, no less) and a cover system inherently means a "casual shooter." Auto-regen, if you think about it, has potential to actually
add to the strategic thinking of combat. If I have a heap of med-kits with me, then all I'm really doing is spamming my hotkeys anyway - it becomes more about resource management than anything. And cover plays into that quite effectively, as we've seen in plenty of contemporary videogames already. This is just my own personal preference, but I prefer to use third-person while in cover - because otherwise the fact is that I'm usually staring at a wall if I try to do the same thing in first-person mode.
Auto-regen forces the player to seek out cover when heavily-wounded. A cover system simply complements that. I just don't see the connection between the addition of these two systems to your basic combat segments, and "now this game is nothing but a glorified shooter." And let's face it - the first Deus Ex, as far as the full-blown firefights were concerned, was really just Quake with a wider variety of power-ups. If the new game, when you're in the middle of a firefight, plays out like a version of a more contemporary shooter - then we're still working within the same paradigm. The very fact of these additions says nothing about the more important (to me, at least) aspects of the Deus Ex series - choices and consequences and multiple paths.
Anyway, I'm optimistic about this game. The art direction looks very interesting, and if they can pull this off I think they might have a very good game on their hands. (I could be wrong, of course - we'll have to wait and see.) At the very least, it's not like they're taking the original formula and turning it into a cart racer or something; so you know - it could be worse...