Deus Ex: Human Revolution Discussion

Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:12 pm

i like wearing nice looking armor and i look at it once in a while with the vanity camera. i have badass armor for both oblivion and fallout 3 but i dont want to look at my ass all the time. how many special forces guys do you think walk around asking their buddy behind them how cool they look walking along. it doesnt happen. ive never seen myself fight anyone from a 90* angle to the side. i dont watch my back as im walking. its just not immersive.

first person games are by definition supposed to be immersive and everytime you force someone out of that view for a cinematic simply takes the game away from the player so that some animator can show of his skills. imagine playing this game and walk up to corner wall BAM switch to 3rd for a view of the entire hallway (cover systems are cheating but thats another topic) .....BAM ok back to first person. next, sneak up behind the guy and BAM back to 3rd person to see yet another "takedown" that half way through the game you seen dozens of times already.....ok where was i .....thats right BAM back to 1st person view and you walk along the corridor to look around another corner BAM 3rd person again. :facepalm: well the hallway is clear cause you can see all the way down the entire thing even though your behind a concrete wall. BAM back to first person view walking along......oops! ladder ahead........BAM back to 3rd person view to see how awesome you look when you climb ladders. get to the top and BAM back to first person again. now this entire sequence might have take at most 30 seconds and yet look how many view changes you had in just that one section. that is more camera shifting than resident evil.

edit: at least the cover system has to be activated so i can avoid that. :)

Just to be clear, I wasn't Special Forces, but I am a Marine, and we used to joke around with each other all the time asking each other what we looked like from behind? Then we'd pull jokes if their answer was, "You look badass" or "You look fine." It was funny stuff.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:32 am

Just to be clear, I wasn't Special Forces, but I am a Marine, and we used to joke around with each other all the time asking each other what we looked like from behind? Then we'd pull jokes if their answer was, "You look badass" or "You look fine." It was funny stuff.

semper fi :)

was that in the showers? :laugh:
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:40 pm

My hype level: zero out of ten.

They are reducing one of my favorite games into a casual futuristic shooter. And pray tell, why is everyone making the same game in this generation? You know, with automated cover system and instant health refills? Why are these two game mechanics FOTM? We need something revolutionary. Health system of the original DX caused you to move slower when you get shot in the legs, and lowered your accuracy when you got shot in the arms. The EZ mode instant regeneration will not have such consequences, instead they'll try to make the game look good with fancy stylish third person animations, which I couldn't care less about.
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KIng James
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:14 am

Yeah, the health regen thing is annoying. There was nothing I found more amusing in the original than crawling my way to the end of a mission when both my legs were out of commission. I really can't fathom why they didn't leave the regen as an element of Jensen's augmentations that uses up power like the cloak or what have you, so you'd have to put some thought into what to spend your energy on.
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matt oneil
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:53 pm

:swear: :flame: :angry: :blink: :stare: :confused: :banghead: :shakehead: :rolleyes: :facepalm:

hmmmmmm.........not impressed. guess ill just keep playing the original deus ex every year like ive been doing forever. ill leave this for the preteens.

In the E3 demonstration they were playing in godmode. Jensen was invincible and had infinite energy so they could show off all the things he can do. It's going to be a lot more limited in the actual game. In an interview for PC Gamer they explained that in the game you start with 2 points of energy which can eventually be upgraded to 5 or 6 and every time you use an active augmentation it uses up a point of energy. And the energy doesn't regenerate, unless it drops all the way to 0, but then you will only regenerate 1 point and the process is supposedly slow (though it remains to be seen whether they acctually mean proper slow or slow by today's standards).

There are going to be ways to recharge energy during a mission, but it's supposed to require exploration and it will probably be limited. I'm expecting something along the lines of the bio energy cells from the original game.

So on average you'll have 4 points of energy and that means you can perform 4 tricks per mission before you're dry and then you have to either wait or do some exploration to find a possibly limited source of recharges. And for the record, takedowns counts as a use of energy.

if they made it so that it happend in real time and if some other guard sees you while its happening and kills you then ill have less of a problem with it.

That is supposed to be the case. Other guards can see you during a takedown and they'll start shooting. It probably doesn't stop you from finishing the takedown, but you can end up dead soon afterwards. You can also get shot at while hacking.

Here's a link to the interview:

Another thing they explain in the interview is that you can only get augmetations if you visit "the limb clinic" and buy them with money. There won't be any augmentation canisters that you could find and install during a mission. Augmentation upgrades are then done through spending XP. So functionally augmentations are "skills" that you unlock with money and then you can spend XP to improve them. Sounds reasonable to me.

Information on known augmentations:

The rest of the scaned article:

And while i'm at it, PC Gamer recently had a Deus Ex Week. It's worth checking out since they have a couple more interesting interviews. Link:
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City Swagga
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:37 am

In the E3 demonstration they were playing in godmode. Jensen was invincible and had infinite energy so they could show off all the things he can do. It's going to be a lot more limited in the actual game. In an interview for PC Gamer they explained that in the game you start with 2 points of energy which can eventually be upgraded to 5 or 6 and every time you use an active augmentation it uses up a point of energy. And the energy doesn't regenerate, unless it drops all the way to 0, but then you will only regenerate 1 point and the process is supposedly slow (though it remains to be seen whether they acctually mean proper slow or slow by today's standards).

There are going to be ways to recharge energy during a mission, but it's supposed to require exploration and it will probably be limited. I'm expecting something along the lines of the bio energy cells from the original game.

So on average you'll have 4 points of energy and that means you can perform 4 tricks per mission before you're dry and then you have to either wait or do some exploration to find a possibly limited source of recharges. And for the record, takedowns counts as a use of energy.

That is supposed to be the case. Other guards can see you during a takedown and they'll start shooting. It probably doesn't stop you from finishing the takedown, but you can end up dead soon afterwards. You can also get shot at while hacking.

Here's a link to the interview:

Another thing they explain in the interview is that you can only get augmetations if you visit "the limb clinic" and buy them with money. There won't be any augmentation canisters that you could find and install during a mission. Augmentation upgrades are then done through spending XP. So functionally augmentations are "skills" that you unlock with money and then you can spend XP to improve them. Sounds reasonable to me.

Information on known augmentations:

The rest of the scaned article:

And while i'm at it, PC Gamer recently had a Deus Ex Week. It's worth checking out since they have a couple more interesting interviews. Link:

thanks for the links :)

ive been visiting the official forums so some of that has been cleared up especially the cover system having to be manually activated and as such can be manually avoided. if the takedowns use up a pip. then i certainly hope they are optional since i woudl rather use that power for an augment. i just hope that they dont turn the augments into cinematics everytime you use them. there was a discussion with some people saying that you had to use third person for the wall punching aug too look right. then someone posted the video of the crysis guy punching through a wall and grabbing a guy all in first person and way "cooler" looking. i hope the devs saw that thread.
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:22 pm

I'm trying my best not to get hyped, but there certainly is a lot good news regarding this game lately. I'm still heavily concerned about the length of it. I'd like at least a twenty hour adventure, not five or six like most other games are anymore. And I'd like to know if there are any newspapers and such to read and immerse me in the game world. Oh, and if the music is good.

From what I've seen so far, the stealth not only looks like a major part of the game, but it almost seems like it's being developed primarily with a stealthy Adam Jensen in mind. If that's true, then booyah. I'd rather have the action be mostly optional, not the stealth. There's nothing that pisses me off more than a game that lets me use stealth in some areas but outright refuses to let me in others.

Anyway, my major concern as of now is game length and general amount of content. If I feel like I'm playing Butcher Bay when I'm going through it, my fury will be great.

Note: Not bagging on Butcher Bay or anything. It was a great game, but it was only good for one run. A bit too linear for my tastes. That, and it's guilty of that thing I mentioned above that pisses me off a lot. Stupid mandatory action segments...
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:29 am

And I'd like to know if there are any newspapers and such to read and immerse me in the game world. Oh, and if the music is good.

The former has been confirmed. Michael McCann, the composer for Human Revolution, did some really good synthesizer/orchestra mixed soundtracks, so I figure he'll at least get the style right.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:14 pm

its just not immersive.

first person games are by definition supposed to be immersive and everytime you force someone out of that view for a cinematic simply takes the game away from the player so that some animator can show of his skills.

To you, it's not immersive. To be clear, "immersion" is by definition, nothing more than when you cease to be aware of the boundaries inherent in the medium. When you're getting into a book and are no longer aware the you're just reading printed words, you're immersed. When you're no longer aware of the environment outside of the boundaries of your TV screen when watching a good movie, that's immersive. It's a highly subjective matter, and not something you can make broad generalizations about. There's nothing inherent, of itself, about first-person view that automatically makes it more immersive than any other point of view.

Frankly, I find first person rather limiting, and a lot of the difficulties I run into that mode serve to pull me out of the game just as much as "seeing through the eyes of the character" (which is inaccurate, unless the main character has tunnel vision and blinders on,) serves to add to immersion for other players. When I have trouble navigating through a narrow doorway and bump into the wall instead, I don't find that particularly immersive. When I fall off a ledge because I can't see where my feet are, that pulls me out of the moment and makes me realize I'm playing a videogame, as well. :)
They are reducing one of my favorite games into a casual futuristic shooter. And pray tell, why is everyone making the same game in this generation? You know, with automated cover system and instant health refills? Why are these two game mechanics FOTM? We need something revolutionary. Health system of the original DX caused you to move slower when you get shot in the legs, and lowered your accuracy when you got shot in the arms. The EZ mode instant regeneration will not have such consequences, instead they'll try to make the game look good with fancy stylish third person animations, which I couldn't care less about.

Maybe I'm biased, because I'm still getting my head around the concept of X-Com being "rebooted" as a first-person shooter; but personally, compared to that, none of the changes I've heard about in this game from the previous ones really stack up as all that big of a paradigm shift.

For one, I find it a bit of a leap in logic to assume that auto-regen (for a superhuman cyborg, no less) and a cover system inherently means a "casual shooter." Auto-regen, if you think about it, has potential to actually add to the strategic thinking of combat. If I have a heap of med-kits with me, then all I'm really doing is spamming my hotkeys anyway - it becomes more about resource management than anything. And cover plays into that quite effectively, as we've seen in plenty of contemporary videogames already. This is just my own personal preference, but I prefer to use third-person while in cover - because otherwise the fact is that I'm usually staring at a wall if I try to do the same thing in first-person mode.

Auto-regen forces the player to seek out cover when heavily-wounded. A cover system simply complements that. I just don't see the connection between the addition of these two systems to your basic combat segments, and "now this game is nothing but a glorified shooter." And let's face it - the first Deus Ex, as far as the full-blown firefights were concerned, was really just Quake with a wider variety of power-ups. If the new game, when you're in the middle of a firefight, plays out like a version of a more contemporary shooter - then we're still working within the same paradigm. The very fact of these additions says nothing about the more important (to me, at least) aspects of the Deus Ex series - choices and consequences and multiple paths.

Anyway, I'm optimistic about this game. The art direction looks very interesting, and if they can pull this off I think they might have a very good game on their hands. (I could be wrong, of course - we'll have to wait and see.) At the very least, it's not like they're taking the original formula and turning it into a cart racer or something; so you know - it could be worse... :)
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:58 pm


Ahem, sorry. Could not control myself.

Just wanted to say that I LOVE DEUS EX.

The first is the best, but the second was only OK.

There was this annoying thing about it......

Oh yea, the ammo was universal, meaning different guns used different amounts of ammo. And it was all the same, so if you ran out for one gun, guess what?


Please, EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY! Do not let them do THAT again.

I so look forward to DX:HR!!!!
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rolanda h
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:01 am

To you, it's not immersive. To be clear, "immersion" is by definition, nothing more than when you cease to be aware of the boundaries inherent in the medium. When you're getting into a book and are no longer aware the you're just reading printed words, you're immersed. When you're no longer aware of the environment outside of the boundaries of your TV screen when watching a good movie, that's immersive. It's a highly subjective matter, and not something you can make broad generalizations about. There's nothing inherent, of itself, about first-person view that automatically makes it more immersive than any other point of view.

Frankly, I find first person rather limiting, and a lot of the difficulties I run into that mode serve to pull me out of the game just as much as "seeing through the eyes of the character" (which is inaccurate, unless the main character has tunnel vision and blinders on,) serves to add to immersion for other players. When I have trouble navigating through a narrow doorway and bump into the wall instead, I don't find that particularly immersive. When I fall off a ledge because I can't see where my feet are, that pulls me out of the moment and makes me realize I'm playing a videogame, as well. :)

Maybe I'm biased, because I'm still getting my head around the concept of X-Com being "rebooted" as a first-person shooter; but personally, compared to that, none of the changes I've heard about in this game from the previous ones really stack up as all that big of a paradigm shift.

For one, I find it a bit of a leap in logic to assume that auto-regen (for a superhuman cyborg, no less) and a cover system inherently means a "casual shooter." Auto-regen, if you think about it, has potential to actually add to the strategic thinking of combat. If I have a heap of med-kits with me, then all I'm really doing is spamming my hotkeys anyway - it becomes more about resource management than anything. And cover plays into that quite effectively, as we've seen in plenty of contemporary videogames already. This is just my own personal preference, but I prefer to use third-person while in cover - because otherwise the fact is that I'm usually staring at a wall if I try to do the same thing in first-person mode.

Auto-regen forces the player to seek out cover when heavily-wounded. A cover system simply complements that. I just don't see the connection between the addition of these two systems to your basic combat segments, and "now this game is nothing but a glorified shooter." And let's face it - the first Deus Ex, as far as the full-blown firefights were concerned, was really just Quake with a wider variety of power-ups. If the new game, when you're in the middle of a firefight, plays out like a version of a more contemporary shooter - then we're still working within the same paradigm. The very fact of these additions says nothing about the more important (to me, at least) aspects of the Deus Ex series - choices and consequences and multiple paths.

Anyway, I'm optimistic about this game. The art direction looks very interesting, and if they can pull this off I think they might have a very good game on their hands. (I could be wrong, of course - we'll have to wait and see.) At the very least, it's not like they're taking the original formula and turning it into a cart racer or something; so you know - it could be worse... :)

I agree completely. I think Deus Ex 3 will be great..

When designing a game, one of the most important questions you constantly need to ask yourself is "Is this fun?". If the answer is no, then you need to re-design or scrap it, fun is the most important factor in any game, no matter what type of game it is. In a shooter, the fun is in mowing down enemies with badass weapons and one liners, in an RTS the fun is planning how to take over a territory, and then setting the plan in motion, in an RPG it's roleplaying obviously. If a game isn't fun to play, I won't play it. I can deal with the occasional frustrating level, but an entire game that's not fun to play will not be played.

i'm going to be studying game design this coming schoolyear, and the question above is one I will ask myself for every element of a game, if I fail to do that then I will fail as a game designer (In my eyes). If the astronomical happens and I actually get into the business, then I would hate to be responsible for a game that people don't enjoy playing.

And the point of that rant is this: The gaming environment has grown, more people play games now. Some people love music games, some love puzzle games, shooter or RPG's. In order to make a game you need to appeal to as many people as possible, that's just how it is, even if some people don't like that. Deus Ex 3 is simply incorporating elements of the new way of gaming, they have to.

I see so many gamers who are arrogant and just plain dikes when it comes to gaming, with an undeserved sense of superiority over gamers that are more casual than they are, or people who enjoy different games. I can't tell you how many RPG players I see that consider FPS gamers idiots. Well, I like RPGs and FPS games, and lots of other game types, I don't see what's wrong with liking one type of game over another, or liking all types of games.
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:40 am

The new trailer gives me little hope.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:13 pm

It's a good thing the release isn't close yet. I'm replaying Deus Ex 1 again so if I'd play Human Revolution shortly after that I'd only be comparing it to the original. :P
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James Smart
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:40 pm

if the takedowns use up a pip. then i certainly hope they are optional since i woudl rather use that power for an augment.

I don't know for sure, but I expect they are optional. Takedowns are basically an augmentation that lets you automatically silently dispose of an enemy if you've managed to get close enough. But there are going to be plenty of weapons including several non-lethal ones and it would be very surprising if none of them was silent. But the weapons will be mostly if not all ranged. So we're talking stealth pistol, not riot prod.

On a related note, I don't think the recharge of that last dose of energy is going to be that slow. I mean it is probably going to be pretty slow by the standards of a modern FPS gamer, but by the standards of a more old-school gamer I think the recharge time is going to feel moderately fast. I have no acctual proof of this of course, it's just an impression based on available information.

i just hope that they dont turn the augments into cinematics everytime you use them.

I don't kow, but I am getting the impression that that's what is going to happen.
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:01 pm

Looks awesome so far.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:12 am

The new gameplay footage looks really good, hope it delivers the promises of the devs.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:14 am

Looks awesome so far.

Yep, very cool. But I do think that the trailer is a bit too violent, I never played Deus Ex violently, I sneaked around :P
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:47 am

Yep, very cool. But I do think that the trailer is a bit too violent, I never played Deus Ex violently, I sneaked around :P

Really? I think the violence is downgraded from what they promised, though that would be expectable from a trailer these days. (I know what you meant, I just wanted to comment on the violence)
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:07 pm

to be completely honest

I wasn't impressed :( now, I never played Deus Ex or Invisible wars, but I've heard an immense amount of praise for the first, so when I first saw Human Revolution I got my hopes up, but when I watched that gameplay trailer, there was a very real sense of "meh" in me.

maybe it's one of those things you have to play to believe, but I honestly thought the trailer wasn't that impressive
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:15 am

All it was, was what they'd reported on earlier, they just finally released it to the public. Wasn't all that impressed with it myself since I'd already heard about it, and by reading about it, wasn't all that impressed with it either. I still have hopes, but I'm not moving from what I thought of the game before.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:45 pm

Yep, very cool. But I do think that the trailer is a bit too violent, I never played Deus Ex violently, I sneaked around :P

Violence sells.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:56 pm

Not too impressed here either. I'm not seeing much other than those "takedowns" they've been talking about from the start, which do nothing to interest me in the game.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:53 am

Yep, very cool. But I do think that the trailer is a bit too violent, I never played Deus Ex violently, I sneaked around :P

I loved air duct exploring.
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:11 pm

I loved air duct exploring.

Oh yeah, the Versalife building had great air ducts. I wonder if we'll get the same kind of thing in Human Revolution.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:06 pm

Not too impressed here either. I'm not seeing much other than those "takedowns" they've been talking about from the start, which do nothing to interest me in the game.

You're right. Though, it is (supposedly) just a fraction of gameplay.
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