Has http://tlundmark.blogspot.com/2010/10/deus-ex-3-gameplay-footage.html been posted yet? Looks like it's been up for a while, but I only came across it last night. It's a full 20-minute walkthrough with one of the developers, taken from the Eurogamer Expo - basically the same footage as in the trailers, but uncut and thus giving a much clearer (and unedited) picture overall.
My thoughts are that this game is going to be good. Years of cagey wariness are being thrown to the wind as I start to feel genuine excitement. Can it be... the best game of all time may finally see a worthy sequel?

Some thoughts...
THE GOOD- Nice to see the conversations have depth, even more so than in Deus Ex. Still remains to be seen if there are any real consequences to your actions, but at least the "verbal sparring" was quite nicely done, and the animations were pretty good. It seemed like the bartender was having a real conversation with the player, which is very, very cool.
- There's also a lot of detail to the world, and my initial reaction is that the level looks dense and lived-in. The aesthetic design is really excellent, and I can't wait to explore this gorgeous world even if the rest of the game is a total flop.

- NPCs reacted when you pulled a gun on them, raising their hands and looking nervous - not sure if that's part of a wider AI system but little touches like that make all the difference, and it bodes well.
- The
Ghost in the Shell robot is [censored] win. Overall they seem to be drawing inspiration from all the right places: Ghost in the Shell, Blade Runner, and of course Deus Ex itself. Also, the protagonist seems to be channeling Solid Snake. And Ezio Auditore... and even Soap McTavish, come to think of it. Actually, I kind of wish they would stop drawing too much inspiration, because it leads me to...
THE BAD- There seems to be a lot of emphasis on lifting design from Assassin's Creed - which is perhaps understandable, since the lead dev used to work for Ubisoft Montreal - but the twin-blades-coming-out-the-arms, especially with the minute-long takedown cutscenes, is just
so Assassin's Creed that it looks quite out of place in Deus Ex's world. Not sure I like it - for all the stealth in Deus Ex, it was never about being an assassin, and this fascination with gory stabby-stab is, frankly, a little childish imo. You wouldn't ask http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSET0AZfbyE to become a deranged killer... But hey, Assassin's Creed is popular, so that's what the game should be like, right? :shrug:
- I still don't like the switching into third-person or the glued-to-the-wall cover system: it simply breaks the immersion and flow of gameplay for me as it looks really clunky (as most cover systems do) and out of sync with the rest of the otherwise-smooth design. But I can see that's more a personal preference and obviously a design choice geared towards console gaming (which is pretty unavoidable.)
THE VERDICT?Like I said, it looks good, and even just from an exploratory standpoint it looks like a must-play. It certainly seems to be miles closer to the mark than Invisible War ever was, but the real proof will come with the full gameplay reviews of course. I just hope the mission and story design have received the same polish as the visuals - then we really might be up for a treat.