Deus Ex: Human Revolution Discussion

Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:07 am

So this is a topic, for the obvious discussion of the new Cyber RPG by Edios Montreal.

Gathered Info: You play as Adam Jensen, a man who lives in a world where human augmentation is a very controversial thing. The game takes place 25 years before the first Deus Ex, and the augmentations are not quite to the nanotechnology level that they are in the original Deus Ex's. Adam Jensen, is a man who says he was more or less forced into becoming augmented (both of his arms) and never wanted the life he lives. Like in the original Deus Ex's Adam will travel the world; so far the only two confirmed locations are Detroit and Shanghai. Deus Ex: Human Revolution, is also viewed in a first person perspective but will at times apparently have a third person view.

More information can be found in the links below.

So, discuss what your thoughts are on Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and whether you like it or not. The game takes heavy inspiration from two shows: Blade Runner and the anime movie Ghost in the Shell.

Personally, I'm really excited. From what I've read and the screen shots I've seen, the game looks really beautiful and sounds like they're trying to bring back what the first Deus Ex had, but also bring it to the next decade.
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:54 am

They will never succeed in making as good a game as Deus Ex 1, and I have my doubts as to whether they'll even top Invisible War. Eidos Montreal's been quite the franchise killer lately. But hey, if they work a miracle, then I'll admit I was wrong.

What I'm expecting: A first person shooter similar in style to R6 Vegas, with gimmicky stealth and flashy modifications. It probably won't exceed twelve to fifteen hours in length and will have more than a few things on the HUD that treat me like a six year old.
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:06 pm

I hope they bring back more of the RPG goodness that was in the original Deus Ex. The second one felt too dumed down.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:02 am

I'm looking forward to it, despite all the things I've heard about it that I don't like. It has auto-regenerating health and a cover based stealth where you go in third person Gears of War style...

Deus Ex the FPS here we come!
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:18 pm

I'm pretty sick of playing charatcers that could pass as male models...

Wait, no I'm not. :shifty:

Anyway, I hope it let's me explore the city like the original did. I loved going to bars and hotels and just talking to people.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:15 am

There weren’t enough exciting, memorable moments. It was aimed more towards a simulation rather than a game experience.

Oh my god. That statement infuriates me. Deus Ex 1 was the single most amazing and memorable "game experience" I've ever had. They're just taking the name Deus Ex solely because the first game is so highly acclaimed. I'm actually sick to my stomach now. Ugh. Shameless [censored] pricks. <_<

Sorry for being so harsh, but damn, I've never felt so strongly about a game like this before, and to think that Eidos Montreal, developing the new game, has the gall to call the first game slow and not memorable makes my blood boil.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:29 pm

They will never succeed in making as good a game as Deus Ex 1, and I have my doubts as to whether they'll even top Invisible War. Eidos Montreal's been quite the franchise killer lately. But hey, if they work a miracle, then I'll admit I was wrong.

What I'm expecting: A first person shooter similar in style to R6 Vegas, with gimmicky stealth and flashy modifications. It probably won't exceed twelve to fifteen hours in length and will have more than a few things on the HUD that treat me like a six year old.

What? Franchise killer? They didn't release a single game yet.

The latest reviews tell otherwise. It's an RPG mainly, they try to keep close to DX instead of limiting the player like in IW. Only the directly controlled aspects are supposed to become streamlined, i.e., aiming accuracy is not affected (but damage and actual shooting accuracy might be, like in Oblivion or Fallout 3) and sneaking now takes place in third person.

I'll just wait for more before I judge that game. Especially when I can't judge the dev from previous projects.

(Okay, one thing I always have to state: Their stylistic direction is grand.)
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:22 am

Oh my god. That statement infuriates me. Deus Ex 1 was the single most amazing and memorable "game experience" I've ever had. They're just taking the name Deus Ex solely because the first game is so highly acclaimed. I'm actually sick to my stomach now. Ugh. Shameless [censored] pricks. <_<

Sorry for being so harsh, but damn, I've never felt so strongly about a game like this before, and to think that Eidos Montreal, developing the new game, has the gall to call the first game slow and not memorable makes my blood boil.
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:31 pm

I saw a preview of it on another site. I'm pumped. Granted, they show mechs being capable of so much more than was ever revealed in DX, but to be fair, the story in DX was about the real purpose behind the nano-augmented agents, not to spend time on the history of the mechs.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:15 am

I'm pretty sick of playing charatcers that could pass as male models...

Wait, no I'm not. :shifty:

Anyway, I hope it let's me explore the city like the original did. I loved going to bars and hotels and just talking to people.

Apparently from the IGN Preview, you can talk and chat with NPC all over. It says you can chat with every NPC, but I'm a bit iffy on that comment.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:12 pm

Ive never played any Deus Ex, or heard much about them. But someone linked the video in teh E3, and i decided to watch it becasue they seemedf pretty hyped for it. I have to say that i watched it like ten times now, its amazing!

Can someone give me a rough storyline, will i need to play the others to understand the story? And what the gameplay like for all the games?
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:41 am

I must be thinking of Ubisoft or something. Anyway, that review has calmed me down, but I'm still pretty certain that it won't hold a candle to the original, largely because of things like a stealth take-down recharge time and an inevitably short length. What will really set me off is if things like newspapers and datacubes are either rare or non-existent this time around, as well as talking to many random NPCs. You can't just tell me the core gameplay is intact and expect me to change my mind. There's much more to it than that.

As for it being an RPG, I still have my doubts. What I saw desrcibed in that article was glorified action and stealth gameplay (And, unless they just never say it, stealth can't be accomplished in low light areas unless that stupid cover system is used), something that annoys me. You know, it's almost as if all the people looking forward to the game are only doing so because it's another Deus Ex game rather than looking well into what it is (Or for the non-fans, only because it "looks cool"). What about the soundtrack? The side quests and secrets? Will there be a lot of those or just one per area? Will stealth gameplay be possible through the entire game? Will it be upwards of 40-50 hours in length so I can come back to it time and again and keep finding stuff I never did before?

Probably not. And I believe it's very safe to judge a game pre-release these days because nearly every game I see is basically just another shooter or just another third person action or just another platformer. The stealth genre's been systematically wiped out in favor of adrenaline-inducing Batman gameplay (Conviction) and RPG gameplay is getting tossed aside in favor of moral choice systems and how cool the action is (Mass Effect, Final Fantasy XIII). Expecting anything great from developers anymore is just setting myself up for disappointment. :shrug:

And I can just see Thief 4 when it comes out: Garret swinging his dagger around like some martial artist and killing enemies with QTEs, hopping rooftops like that guy from Assassin's Creed and maybe even having super powers. I mean..come on. If you're going to resurrect an old franchise or game that people loved, at least make it recognizable, for [censored]'s sake.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:02 pm

Ive never played any Deus Ex, or heard much about them. But someone linked the video in teh E3, and i decided to watch it becasue they seemedf pretty hyped for it. I have to say that i watched it like ten times now, its amazing!

Can someone give me a rough storyline, will i need to play the others to understand the story? And what the gameplay like for all the games?

Read the first paragraph in my OP. It's a rough idea of what the game is about.

@ Sub_Tonic: I see and hear where you're coming from. I do, I've played the first two Deus Ex's and know what you're saying. But I don't think you can judge a game, by what little we know. I mean, they've hardly told us anything about the story, the whole mechanics... because all that's been previewed, was by some Dev at Edios Montreal playing and showing it off, and no one has had any direct hands on. So just by seeing it, and not having hands on, I can't really judge it. By looking at the trailer, and pictures, sure it's flashy; but it's also the art style and graphics that make it flashy.

So I won't be saying if I'm overly hyped or saddened until I read some actual hands on stuff, and of course have it in my hands to say for myself.
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:13 pm

I'm willing to give the game a chance, but it's really hard for me to think positively when gaming all around me is simplifying itself, ruining genres, breaking stealth that was somehow better back in 1998 than it is two generations later. How hard could it possibly be to incorporate shadows into stealth gameplay? If Thief could do it way back then, why is it still such a mindblowing rarity? Why should I have to use a cover system? Granted, I can see the benefits of that, like seeing an enemy before they see you, but Deus Ex had its AI on a delay reaction so you could be stealthy without needing a cover system. Sure, it was unrealistic, but it made playing a ninja character great fun.

And the action...well, as long as the action isn't forced upon me too much, I'm all for it being improved. The action part of Deus Ex was awful. I can see why that would need a facelift. And yeah, the graphics and art design are looking incredible, but I'm wanting to be wowed by the content, not by how good it looks. Deus Ex probably still has datacubes I've never read, ATM's I've never hacked, dialogue I've never heard, secrets I've never found. I don't want a game that gives me two choices: Stealth or action, and then I'm lead down a linear path for each. That means the most fun I'd get is two playthroughs, and depending on the length of the game, that may either be decent or terrible, but never great.

I'm just sick and tired of my favorite genres and games being sent down to die in some hole (As popular as that hole may be). People seem to care more about instant gratification than working for the prize, which is basically what that guy criticized the original Deus Ex for. It wasn't "epic" enough, not enough stuff "happened". What in the hell was he playing? My feelings of the game are the exact opposite.

I love the game so much that the mere idea of a successor both fills me with happiness and dread. It's making me go on for paragraph after paragraph on how much I want it to be good while also displaying my fears of what can and will go wrong. Even something as simple as a bad soundtrack is a potential game breaker for me - it's that bad. I'm already pissed about regenerating health and cover-based stealth. Those two alone already make it an impossibility for it to live up to what is, IMO, the greatest game of all time.
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:52 am

They will never succeed in making as good a game as Deus Ex 1, and I have my doubts as to whether they'll even top Invisible War. Eidos Montreal's been quite the franchise killer lately. But hey, if they work a miracle, then I'll admit I was wrong.

What I'm expecting: A first person shooter similar in style to R6 Vegas, with gimmicky stealth and flashy modifications. It probably won't exceed twelve to fifteen hours in length and will have more than a few things on the HUD that treat me like a six year old.

This, unfortunately.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:40 pm

They will never succeed in making as good a game as Deus Ex 1, and I have my doubts as to whether they'll even top Invisible War. Eidos Montreal's been quite the franchise killer lately. But hey, if they work a miracle, then I'll admit I was wrong.

What I'm expecting: A first person shooter similar in style to R6 Vegas, with gimmicky stealth and flashy modifications. It probably won't exceed twelve to fifteen hours in length and will have more than a few things on the HUD that treat me like a six year old.

Now that's a scary thought, human revolution being as dumbed down as R6 Vegas.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:54 pm

That IGN preview sounds good to me. Time to finish the first one! (a gamer sin, I know)

I played a lot of Invisible War at my friend's house back in the day. It was fun but I'd much rather an experience closer to the first just with updated graphics and mechanics.

I'm hopeful!
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:31 am

Okay, this will be the last part of my little..speech, I guess.

Look, I want so desperately for Deus Ex 3 to be a great game. I would be the happiest man in the known universe if it had choices, tons of content filled with information for me to take in, tons of NPCs to talk to, gadgets and weapons and mechanical augs to choose from, a stealth system so well designed that I won't even miss the shadows, an amazing soundtrack, an amazing atmosphere, and a satisfying length that doesn't leave me disappointed.

If all that came together, I would be willing to put down $100 for the game. If Eidos Montreal makes a game worthy of the Deus Ex title, I would buy their merchandise and wish them the very best future in gaming. And better still, I'd root them on during their development of Thief 4.

You just have to understand that if I believed for a second that the game would be such a grand release and it didn't come anywhere close, I'd go into severe depression for a year. :laugh:

So yes, I'm passionate about it, but I'm also very bitter. Maybe EM will restore my faith in gaming. They also stand the chance of absolutely demolishing it, hence why I'm so stressed out about Deus Ex 3.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:14 pm

OMG....... :facepalm:

i really wish i handnt discovered this thread nor read that article. i was REALLY looking forward to it but when i hear things like third person cover system and deus ex one not having enough memorable moments, i just want to :yuck:

the regen health is stupid....deus ex already had it in but it would cost you a implant slot......balances it out. if you want to have regenerating health, you have to give up something else and it uses power. it was perfect. i have a feeling its going to be the equivalent of the universal ammo in deus ex IW. and so help me God if they have it call of duty style where you just have to sit behind a wall for a couple of seconds and you all fixed up im gonna punch someone gonads in.

i dont even know where to begin on the third person cover system. for [censored]s sake what could possible be more immersion breaking than running around in first person and then being ripped out of it into third person, so you can see the latest fad in video games.......the cover system.

my hopes for this game are growing dimmer by the day. :(
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Eve Booker
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:18 pm

I never played the originals, so you could say I have no perspective, but from what I've seen it looks amazing. And I can't wait for it to be released, I'll probably look at reviews first, but finding a good RPG with a somewhat interesting premise is hard these days, an FPS/RPG hybrid (from my understanding that's what this is, right?) will do just fine :)

i dont even know where to begin on the third person cover system. for [censored]s sake what could possible be more immersion breaking than running around in first person and then being ripped out of it into third person, so you can see the latest fad in video games.......the cover system.

The first person perspective is vastly overrated. Especially in games where I can customize my characters appearance, I want to be able to see that, otherwise what's the point? If I'm just going to be looking at a gun the entire game, why even bother investing any time into my characters looks.

Now, I realize that's not possible in this game, as far as I know anyway. But my argument still stands, the FP perspective is so limiting, I prefer to have a choice in the matter. I don't get more immersed by using the FP, I get immersed by a well told story.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:43 am

And I can just see Thief 4 when it comes out: Garret swinging his dagger around like some martial artist and killing enemies with QTEs, hopping rooftops like that guy from Assassin's Creed and maybe even having super powers. I mean..come on. If you're going to resurrect an old franchise or game that people loved, at least make it recognizable, for [censored]'s sake.

I've actually lingered around the official Thief 4 forum some...the fanbase there is split between Thief 1 and 2, versus 3, even more viciously than Morrowind vs Oblivion here. The crowd in favor of the first two does have the upper hand though, and as I understand, they compiled a modest list of suggestions/requests that was given to the company. It was definitely in favor of the "true" gameplay, and it did, apparently, reach the developers. As well, a picture was shown of one of their offices, showing someone's workspace. Thief 1 and 2 were prominently displayed for the camera to see, while 3 was nowhere to be seen. There's zero official info released, of course, so it's way too early to be hopeful, but it seems as if they do at least know what fans want. Whether they care or the people in charge will force them to change the gameplay regardless, we'll see.

I'm already pissed about regenerating health and cover-based stealth. Those two alone already make it an impossibility for it to live up to what is, IMO, the greatest game of all time.

Yeah, even knowing about the regenerating health is a constant punch in the brain that I can't un-know.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:48 am

I never played the originals, so you could say I have no perspective, but from what I've seen it looks amazing. And I can't wait for it to be released, I'll probably look at reviews first, but finding a good RPG with a somewhat interesting premise is hard these days, an FPS/RPG hybrid (from my understanding that's what this is, right?) will do just fine :)

Then I can't recommend the first Deus Ex enough. It's pretty old, but still holds up in nearly all areas. The graphics do a good job of setting the tone and the gameplay is some of the best around.

Man...Deus Ex 3. I don't care if it makes me sound insane, but this is the one game that will decide if I keep on playing modern games or give up on them entirely. If it svcks, then Thief 4 will svck. I'll pretty much look forward to nothing anymore. So much is riding on this one.

@ Rhekarid: Well, that's hopeful, at least. However, I do like Thief: Deadly Shadows. Sure, it's the worst of the three games, but I actually like that they put back in a lot of the paranormal stuff that I loved so much in Dark Project. In fact, I like Deadly Shadows just a bit more than Metal Age (Heresy, I know :laugh:) simply because of that. I really missed the zombies and ghosts and scare factor while playing the second game. I just hope that even if they do keep the formula intact, that they also include the scares (And another level like Cradle. That was [censored] amazing).
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:32 pm

I never played the originals, so you could say I have no perspective, but from what I've seen it looks amazing. And I can't wait for it to be released, I'll probably look at reviews first, but finding a good RPG with a somewhat interesting premise is hard these days, an FPS/RPG hybrid (from my understanding that's what this is, right?) will do just fine :)

The first person perspective is vastly overrated. Especially in games where I can customize my characters appearance, I want to be able to see that, otherwise what's the point? If I'm just going to be looking at a gun the entire game, why even bother investing any time into my characters looks.

Now, I realize that's not possible in this game, as far as I know anyway. But my argument still stands, the FP perspective is so limiting, I prefer to have a choice in the matter. I don't get more immersed by using the FP, I get immersed by a well told story.

i dont mind having the option. but if someone is playing first person in this game (most people will) then having them ripped out of it for the stupid cover system fad is just dumb. as for character creation most games have a vanity button if you absolutely must see you LEET armor. first person is supposed to be limiting for a reason.

i suggest downloading and playing the suffering. its free now and although the combat needs a little work its a very good game that has the option of either first or third person view. play in both of them and i guarantee that you will be more tense and scared in first person than in third. deadspace would have been 10 times better had they put in the option for first person view. and the cover system idea is amazingly lame. maybe its cause ive played paintball but when you are hiding behind a crate..........YOU DONT SEE JACK [censored]. period. if they wanted to add some augment that released a spy drone that let you see around corners thats fine by me..........but dont force everyone to use it.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:33 am

@ Rhekarid: Well, that's hopeful, at least. However, I do like Thief: Deadly Shadows. Sure, it's the worst of the three games, but I actually like they they put back in a lot of the paranormal stuff that I loved so much in Dark Project. In fact, I like Deadly Shadows just a bit more than Metal Age (Heresy, I know :laugh:) simply because of that. I really missed the zombies and ghosts and scare factor while playing the second game. I just hope that even if they do keep the formula intact, that they also include the scares (And another level like Cradle. That was [censored] amazing).

Well, it's not the atmosphere they complain about. It's things like small areas, simplistic/linear level design, shining loot, clear brightness even in "dark" areas, half-assed faction systems, and so forth. Elements that they felt were pushing the series toward mainstream sameness by making the game easier or added just to increase mass appeal. While there are people basically crying "discard everything from Deadly Shadows" (you know how fans get), the overall message being consistently shouted is "don't let this series be lost to modern game-clones." I just hope that message stays louder than the inevitable counter-group of people basically saying "make it like the other 20 identical games released this year!"
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:50 am

I disliked the game as soon as I read that the head honcho on the project (Mind you this was a LOOONG time ago) said: "DE3 will be a lot better than the previous ones and a lot better than DE1 which was really tedious and boring" I was like: WTF?! You NEVER diss the original game, stupid!
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