I have a theory that the game was supposed to be only Stormcloak sided (can of worms opened, oh boy. But try and hear me out), based on the biased beginning, and the fact that the Stormcloaks have lots of women, while the Imperial side only have two that may have been thrown in at the last second. The captain, and Rikke. My reasoning is from Fallout 3 and the Enclave. Apparently, some think they were supposed to be a joinable faction, less bad ? but for whatever reason this never happened. If you look in the game files, there is also supposed to be female enclave soldiers.
Perhaps they think the good guys is easier to accept as such when there's gender equality. So they remove women from the intended bad guy side in F3, then add women for Skyrim when they wanted it to be more grey. There's only two, possibly added at the last second after they decided to make it two sided? The two women also share the same voice actor as my friend, The Good Doctor pointed out. Seems kinda hasty. Like last minute work. He also said that there are female legion soldiers in the game files as well, yet they're left out, (he said they're allowed in lore, but obviously not many are shown.) possibly to further make the SCs look like the intended good guys? Maybe they only added 2 to make them look just good enough for it to be grey but not make them look bad?
This is reaching of course and I fully understand that, but its something to think about. It all depends on how big a role do women have in making a faction look "good" through gender equality. We know the legion accept women of course, but the side with more women I think makes some people subconsciously see them as good. Perhaps this is intended, perhaps not.
Not trying to prove anything, since at the end of the day, they did make it grey (Grey doesn't mean equal ). But this could possibly show where the devs are leaning.
And before you say it, yes I am an SC fan, yes I am biased. Yes, I will naturally lean in favor of my argument, but I am still happy to hear refutes.
For instance, you could say that the legion were the obvious good guys in Oblivion, yet had no women. But also, it was rather obvious who the bad guys were, so there was no reason to add women for this purpose.
Thoughts, or other refutes? Discuss.
edit: My friend actually didn't say they were in the files. Just that they were allowed in the legion, but not many are shown.