Quick examples:
Lets say someone really wanted close combat weapons. You don't want the close range area dominated by them, you like your shotgun and smg gun play, but players LIKE big shiny melee weapons. Would you be willing to put them in the game with statistics that run a bit weak, just for the melee enthusiast and his bragging rights?
Or maybe a 'light' character who wants a heavy machinegun REALLY BAD but wants to stay with their cool small character. So you let them have it, but they move like a heavy without the extra defenses or anything, for as long as they have it on the character even if not in use at that moment. They've given up their advantages and kept their disadvantages. Do you think that'd be an acceptable thing to allow players to do if they wanted to?
Looking forward to your game as it is in the videos, but I was curious about this.