I can give you an example of what happened to a guild I was in while playing WoW.
We were a 3 day / week progression raiding guild, while still farming some bosses for upgrades, which basically left us with only 1?-2 days / week for pure progression. A lot of people didn't find this enough to progress at their wanted speed and they wanted more time to learn on said encounter (both for their own and others sake). I remember people voicing their concern about farm bosses and that we didn't have enough time for progression, so they wanted to change it to a 4 day / week raiding guild. Their focus was purely on progression, mine was on just having fun (be it progression or farming, I just wanted to play with people I enjoyed playing with), some peoples focus was to progress with their own character (in terms of better gear) rather than the guilds progression.
A few people argued that "Some of these bosses we Have to kill every week in order to progress, so there is a limited amount of time / progression boss / week, and we need to expand that time frame in order to make even greater progression" the very same people would've gotten rid of the farm bosses and invest all their time on the progression one, had they been given the chance to do so.
We eventually went with the 4 days / week. A lot of people couldn't make it and left, others left because their friend had left and pretty soon we couldn't keep up with the amount of people dropping out and the guild was gone.
Some poeple see it as a reasonable option to completely get rid of content that's been done before, because they find it fun to only progress, others don't.
But I'm on your side about the whole thing, I want to be able to teleport aswell (just like most ppl do). Like I said in my first response, it all made sense once I had tried out the beta even though I was skeptical at first