here is is:
- When you play a modded version, the game will make a copy of your save file so your pure state game will be preserved.
So my interpretation of this is that it will make a special save that filters out the modded refs and scripts and such so that you can then remove a mod anytime UNLIKE skyrim.
As a mod creator (over 20 years with bethesda games) these are my guesses to how this will work:
Running (saved) Scripts, object ref (such as actors) and their base objects , quests, and all other things that could be edited in the CK would be ignored in the special save.
Things that would still be stuck in your game would be any modified stats (such as raised health or skills) any vanillia object or actor that the mod gave you and all other changes to any vanillia part of the game such as force completed quests or amount of gold you have and so on.
This is INFINITELY better than skyrim. Go I wish they could patch this back into skyrim...pretty please?
The 2 big things this will do for users is reduce(maybe close to eliminate) corrupt save games AND you will not be TRAPPED by a mod that you thought liked for 20 or 40 hours then discovered some part of it that you hate but now you are married to the mod in your present save game. This will make less desirable or just ANY mod less "STICKY".