» Fri May 13, 2011 8:53 am
Why does everyone assume that redguards have stats that make them thieves and fighters, when they have stats that are just like that of nords (high str, high endurance, medium speed, medium agility, low intelligence, low willpower, low personality), with their skills wholly devoted to weapons and heavy armor? Come on people, the redguards are the ultimate fighters, especially with a bladed weapon. Also, it's the orsimer who are the ultimate defenders, with their greatest skills invested in smithing, blocking, and heavy armor, and slightly decent with an axe, with their greatest stats in endurance and willpower (however, they are 5 points weaker than the nords, and male redguards). It should also be mentioned that the orsimer are the most intelligent of the 3 fighter races, thanks to the female orsimer having 40 int, while everyone else has 30. this can make the female orsimer one of the most effective battlemages in the game by having high willpower, decent intelligence, semi-high strength, and high endurance. However, orsimer are clumsy, slow, and fugly compared to everyone else. The nords is the balance between the two, though they have stats most similar to the redguards.
Then you have imperials, who are fighters, almost similar to the 3 core warrior races, but they're also the greatest speakers and merchants.
Then there are the cookie-cutters, the dunmer and argonians, who have skills and stats that cover each base, with some difference.
Then the sneakers, which include the bosmer and khajiit. The bosmer lend more towards ranged assassins utilizing hit and run tactics, while khajiit are more melee oriented thieves.
Lastly, the magical races, the altmer and bretons. The altmer are the offensive side of magic, while bretons are more of the defensive side of magic