What I voted, and why (UC - UnChecked, C - Checked):
* No more GPS map, but hand writen approximative ones - UC - Our hero is already an adventurer, he has basic navigational skills.
* Make compass a rare, valuable and fragile tool - UC - Already an adventurer, he knows how to use natural signs that may not be properly portrayed.
* Fast travel - Both checked
I've explained my dream setup elsewhere where FT is handled differently, with emphasis on exploration and survival. Nobody left out.
* Players should place landmarks themself on their maps - C - Should be automatic like now once you visit it, but add possibility to place own landmarks as well.
* NPC should give directions to follow, not marks on your map - UC - If he knows precisely where location is, why not mark it?
* For mysterious places, NPC should give general directions - C - Obviously.
* The player will have to keep track of his position himself using landmarks, signs and navigation - UC - Not with Oblivion style maps.
* Balance - both unchecked, not sure what you mean here.
* I don't want to search for any place nor any NPC - UC - Ask around for NPC, and get pointer to last known location. More work, but more natural. For dungeons, if you at least somehow (maybe by asking around, finding maps etc) get the name of the cell name, that would be nice. I hate overly complex dungeons to search where you know nothing. A GM wouldn't do that, but he also wouldn't give exact locations.
* The character has to eat, drink and sleep to survive - This one, obviously. Otherwise it wouldn't be about survival anymore. But this is tedious business, so as game progresses the effects become more and more minimal, until surviving is just about trivial. At least for a nature/surviving class character. But it needs new skills, probably a new way to handle health, mana, and fatigue (I've described a suggestion elsewhere), and also a new specialization that focuses such skills.
* Terrain nature affects movement - C - Both what you CAN do, and the speed you're doing it. Must also take more factors into account.
* Weather affects movement - C - Although a little unsure what you mean. Depends very much on the surface. And fog shouldn't have any effect
* River flow affects movement - C - Flow could have various effects. Like, what happens if you melt a frozen river with some fireballs?
* Cold weather or water cause frost damages to unprotected characters - C - Yeah, clothing is essential against cold and chill factor (wind) and wetness. However, dressing up for social events should also be an important factor. Most normal clothing and armor doesn't really mix well though.
* Some plants may hurt you and even poison you - C - Yes, but it would only be fun for so long. Maybe if covering a pathway, resistance to poison becomes more important. Currently I just ignore it as they are always so weak.
* You should be more exposed to diseases - C - At least being in the cold also lowers your immune system.
* Some rocks, ice, branches may fall - C - Little unsure what the point is, but checked just in case it is something fun
* On frozen or moisty surfaces characters may fall - C - Basic check against agility, would be too painful walking around like Bambi for the run of the game.
* Bad food or water may poison you - UC - Expiration date on food stuffs? Sounds too weird and awkward to implement. It holds out good in the cold weather
* Monsters and NPC should ambush you - C - Uhm, yeah, but, like... How? If possible, then do it. If not, I won't cry about it.
* Monsters and NPC should are dangerous enough - UC - Uhm, they can be dangerous enough, but I definitely want associative animal mentality. NPCs when I reach higher levels are just annoying.
* I want to run as fast on a snowy mountain than on a solid road - UC - MW and OB all over again? No thanks
I'm hoping the new engine will allow more fluid everything, and a lot more natural modifications.