The devs need to be more proactive on the forums. We, their fans, the people who are going to buy their product after all. Mingle with us. Don't sit up on your high horse and look down.
I feel this way too. Well no so much that I think they sit on their high horses looking down, but that it would make a world of difference respect-wise if they were proactive around here.
I do notice Pete answers quite a bit on his Twitter account..but that's different from the Forum community.
Respect can definitely be gained or lost on a community forum such as this. At least for me. I gained tons of respect for CDPR on The Witcher 2 forums. Probably the top developer on my list right now just based on that fact (and well, good games). Bioware used to be up there but not sure anymore since the Dragon Age 2 fiasco. nice if it were so around here...despite some of the negativity and idiotic posts, there are lots of legit questions or concerns that could b e answered with simple posts.