I haven't lingered around here too much..and this is not intended as a joke or troll or bash or whatever you'd like to call it topic. Sincerely curious if there are Developers that come here and read and post replies to questions?
Being a big RPG fan I obviously follow Bioware games as well as Bethesda, and I know that on their forums they have a large following from the Devs who actually post answers to questions, concerns, etc. So just curious if that happens here? Haven't seen any developer posts myself..but again, am new around here and so could easily miss those.
I know certain topics posted here, would have been probably answered over there. Such as the rain clipping fiasco. Dev probably would have just popped in, said whether it was fixed or not, then gave explanation as to why or why not. Here the topics just reach a max limit..then fade away. (Just an example)
So again, just curious, I know some of the other members have been around alot longer and would know this easier than I can read every post looking for Dev responses.