excellent points ahglock Dragon age 2 ill be skipping this time around, i saw the direction of DA:O, i hate the engine, cant even set foot in water, blech,, Dungeon siege 3 i might pick up only to pass the time till Skyrim and Duke Nukem Forever only for sentimental reasons, but Skyrim just took the wind out of the sail of any other game i was consdiering. I mean that the greatest single "video" game preview ive ever seen.
You're blaming DA:O only because you couldn't step on water? (...).
DA:O was awesome. Period. I wish I could say the same for DA2...between being more "japo", and the dialogue wheel system / voiced PC / no race choosing it seems rather watered down to me...well, I'll see it next Thursday (I haven't tested the demo, I rather wait until I get it from preorder).
I'm the same way too. Battlefield 3 falls close though.
And Mass Effect 3

With a new rig building in October for me, this fall of the year will be most interesting....