woo! perfect timing MA...Keep up the great work...
No problem

glad your enjoying the mod ^_^
I know i said the next phase is to add longswords, but i might release "wands" (they would act like maces, blunt weapons) because i have an idea for a new set:
Necrom SetThis set is focused around a magic/necromancer character
Necrom Wand - Weakness to poision 1 - 20 on hit, Poision 5 -20 on hit
Necrom Ring - Resist Poison 50%, Fortify Conjuration 20, Fortify Intelligence 10 (c/e)
Necrom Shield - Summon Skeletal Minion 120 seconds
If the player has 2 items they get a Fortify Inelligence 5, Fortify Conjuration 10, Resist Magicka 20%
If the player has 3 Itesm they get all of the above PLUS a Resist Poison 50% (so 100% overall)
What do you think?
Also do be afriad to post ideas

- Imight even post an online database or something (if i can figure out how) that lists all the items, what enchantments they have ect....