GRRR! I am not trying to insult Midgetalien, I know how good of a mod maker he is. I just don't logically see the point in penalizing the person who uses scrolls. So sue me for not getting the point of it all. The scrolls should do the same as the identifier person itself, it doesn't make sense that the scrolls have the same power as you, since they were written by someone far more knowledgeable.
Othwerwise it becomes the Diablo style influenced identify system
I'd admit the concept is nice, random items, etc, a nice concept.
Why I seem to have incured the wrath of this forum, with 1000 plus posts, it should be somewhat obvious I really am not a big idiot. Logically, anyone who is so stupid as to do the things you all suggest I am doing would have been banned long before now....
Sorry, but I'm getting tired of being called a troll or an idiot because I offer my opinions, and they horribly clash with everyone else's.
I'll give the mod a try when it's release. Which is really the best I can do, since everyone and their brother seems to want to hire the Dark Brotherhood after me. Damn, when have I've given any of you a hard time? Besides that last post of mine.
I cannot believe I cannot offer a differing opinion, and have it taken well.

I mention the cheat part, because the fact remains, it makes it much more cost effective to play this mod like that, if you penalize the scroll usage. Which unless enchanted by you, should have much more power.
I don't see what the problem there is.
And at what point, did I start cursing your family?