Dialog Filtering on Cell Condition

Post » Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:27 pm

I am trying to sort out some dialog conflicts. I have noticed that dialog entries that use a speaker condition of 'cell' don't seem to work properly.

For example, Scourge of the Lich Father (Act II), adds a named cell 'Goldington' at -6,6 for the town added in the mod. There is a new greeting 1 added that is set for the cell 'Goldington' in the speaker condition. This appears like it should limit this greeting to this specific cell, but that is not the case. I have found that this new greeting shows up on any npc that is in an unnamed wilderness cell (the new greeting is at the top of the greeting 1 list, so is always the first to show up).

This suggests to me that the cell condition is not used / not valid on unnamed wilderness cells? Is there a way that this can be fixed? I did not see any obvious speaker conditions that could be used to resolve this. (I can set it to a specific npc, but then it does not work on all npcs in the associated cell as intended).

Any ideas or thoughts appreciated, thanks!

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Post » Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:53 am

Cell condition works fine, usually. More likely that there's a problem with the cell name getting lost somehow, like a later mod overriding it or something, so that the dialogue engine can't find it to check against by the time it's running ingame, and removes that filter entirely.

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Post » Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:49 am

Yes, you are right, Kateri! I moved the plugin to the end of my load order and it started working as expected.

Kind of surprised that the multipatch did not preserve that cell name (it looks like it reverted to 'West Gash Region').

Thank you for the response!

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Kristina Campbell
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