Dialogue between NPCs (again)

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:13 am

What's the best method to ensure that the custom conversations are used?

At a certain point in my mod, I need NPCs who start conversations with other NPCs to use the mod's custom Conversation.
The setup:
  • An NPC is given an invisible "token" called "KnowsSomethingFunnyAboutThePlayer".
  • In the mod's main quest's Conversation tab, a topic is created called: "FunnyThingAboutThePlayer".
  • One Info is created called "I know something funny about the player." with these conditions:
    • self.getItemCount KnowsSomethingFunnyAboutThePlayer > 0
    • target.getItemCount KnowsSomethingFunnyAboutThePlayer < 1
    • target.getIsId Player == 0
  • This Info is not set as Random.
  • Its Link From is HELLO.
  • In the Result Script, the target is given the token "KnowsSomethingFunnyAboutThePlayer".
  • The quest's Priority is set to 90.

With this setup, I assumed that NPCs with the token will always spread the token to NPCs without the token.
Unfortunately, when I test an NPC with the token with "npc.StartConversation otherNPC", the NPC doesn't ever use the above Conversation.

Edit: Nevermind. I got it to work by creating the topic as "HELLO".
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:11 am

Yup. This works quite well. In my new version of Simplve Vampirism Expanded, NPCs who know you are a vampire will spread their knowledge to other NPCs through Oblivion's normal NPC conversation system.

With the mod active, NPCs get to know that the player is a vampire in 3 ways:
1. when the player speaks to them when the player is at stage 4 of vampirism (as per the non-modded game).
2. they witnesses the player feeding.
3. from conversations with others who know the player is a vampire.
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