Dialogue buggedlooping

Post » Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:27 am

I'm altering and/or adding to the dialogue options for a certain character's misc. quest, but it's not working like it should. Here's an example:

Problem is, upon meeting the conditions for the second dialogue tree, it constantly loops the "Have you taken care of that task" question, and makes it impossible to exit the conversation window. As far as I know, I've correctly linked each dialogue option to a specific result and/or journal update (as evident by the fact that the first dialogue tree already works as it's supposed to), so I don't know why the second tree is causing a glitch. If anyone could help me figure out what went wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.

EDIT: Apparently, nothing in this altered quest is working as it should. Upon choosing either dialogue option that makes the quest-giver angry, the NPC is supposed to appear behind the player as soon as they leave the borders of the city/town they're in, and immediately attack them (i.e., patterned after the scripted consequences that come from leaving Ald'Ruhn with Lucan Ostorius' weapon shipment). Not only does the NPC not appear behind the player, but the player is still able to normally speak with them, and only after they select the initial topic does the NPC attack them.

Furthermore, a journal update that's supposed to appear when the NPC attacks and/or is killed never shows up, so another chain of dialogue with a different NPC will also not work as it's supposed to, effectively leaving the player incapable of ending and/or resolving the quest.

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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:54 am

Your description is too vague. Other than repeating that choice must be last and responses to choice must be first, only having a detailed post with all dialog filters/conditions/result code could help (or a link to the mod at this point)

You have probably scripting problems, try posting the code you used to:
- place/move the npc
- make the npc aggressive
- attacks and/or is killed

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