So far i've made one mod and wrote dialogue for an npc to say. but now after i've tried to write a quest in a new mod i couldn't figure out how to make it function correctly. so i deleted the script i wrote that tied the quest together. now if i don't add new mods that i make the butler in my house that i made has dialogue that i wrote. but whenever i try and make a new mod the butler's dialogue disappears and any dialogue for new npc's that i make doesn't show up in-game. what can i do to fix this? should i uninstall the construction set and reinstall? i tried looking in the enchanted editor for Morrowind to solve the problem but that does nothing. please help.
I can glance over the file. There's a lot of file specific details that when they aren't followed that it tends to not work (Like, land being completely gone, or dialog goes in infinite loops...)
I can glance over the file. There's a lot of file specific details that when they aren't followed that it tends to not work (Like, land being completely gone, or dialog goes in infinite loops...)