[IDEA] IN < 4 Dialogue

Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:50 am

I... actually laughed hard for a few minutes at this. The reason being is that my memory started regurgitating all the times in the past when I'd seen stuff like this, and yes, it was glorious.

In Neverwinter Nights, not sure if it was the main campaign or a mod, but there was this one lady whom reacted to intelligence level, since all the dialogue could be done with int in mind there. Anyway, it was actually scripted so that she'd recognise if you suddenly got a boost in intellect.

"Me am asking if you am liking of the me?"
"...I'm not certain that I do, you're a little too primal for me, if you catch my meaning. You're really not my type."
*Character equips belt of +9 intelligence.*
"Ah, dear lady, surely a surly old vagabond like myself might be able to do something to catch the eye of one so divine as yourself."
"Hmm... you've suddenly become more appealing to me. It must be your animal magnetism."

But yes, stupid lines have been some of the funnier/funniest moments in RPG history. I wholeheartedly approve of this idea, and I'd even write some lines if dialogue was sent my way to be stupidededifified.

Edit #1: Also, this needs to have a DeathSpank reference dropped into Bitter Springs.

"Me am wondering if you gots any downtroddenedededed that needs ta be herodededed...ded. Ded."
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Andrew Tarango
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