I made my own Quest following the http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest.
I repeated the Tutorial a few times to get used to create a Quest.
Here is my problem: Sometimes my created NCP doesn't have any dialogue. Just "Need something, etc.".
Now I created a new Quest. The Dialogue worked fine, but I had forgetten the "Alias_MyNCP.GetReference().ENable()" Script for Stage 10. (The hostile NCP was iinitially disabeld).
I added the Script, saved but now the dialogue doesnt work anymore.
I made a new SEQ with TESEDit (- I also used the Steam method). I saved and load the game but nothing works.
I have had the same problem and only creating a new quest worked. But this is really annoying.
I hope you have an idea how to fix it.