Diamond City Vendor Bug: Need Help

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:16 pm

I've been gathering crops and taking them to Diamond City to then get caps for shipments. The problem is, sometimes after selling some items to the vendors I don't get any caps in return. They still get my items but the 100's of caps I was suppose to get, I don't. My caps stay the same while they now have my items and the same high cap amount they had.

It seems to occur when I sell to all the vendors to clear them out, buy a shipment of steel from Myrna, then I buy copper from Arturo. I try to buy gears next but then I notice I'm not getting any money back for the items I'm selling while he still has 800 or so caps from the copper shipment.

Has anyone else run into this bug or possibly has a solution?

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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:28 pm

Well, it might be a bug because of the way the game registers you clearing out all their caps then quickly trying to come back to give them more items to give them caps. All I can think of is maybe do what your doing, but buy, then sell afterwards separately, not in the same trade.

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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:32 pm

Alright, it seems as long as I exit after a transaction and then re-enter by talking to the vendor, then repeat for every transaction, then the problem doesn't occur. To be safe, I did save between every purchase. I'll at least be able to play still but it's unfortunate that I'll have to do transactions this way until a proper solution can be found and patched in.

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Miss K
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:05 pm

Wow, it actually worked.

I feel good about myself.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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