I don't know if anyone will enjoy reading it, but I'll try to keep updating it as long as I play the character.
Her name is Syndy Serapion. I created her completely randomly. High Elf. Birth sign is the Ritual. Skills are Mercantile, Block, Hand to Hand, Heavy Armor, Security, Acrobatics and Mysticism. I also have a spreadsheet of every location and quest in the game and randomly do them. So Syndy will be describing why she has chosen to go such and such a place or do such and such a thing.
I do my best not to use any of the minor skills so that she is forced to play more realistically. So in the case of Syndey, she has no illusion spells to light her way in dungeons, and she'll talk about that in her diary. As she describes some of her background, I don't think I really need to go into any more detail about her here. So far, she hates rats and dislikes getting wet.
Day 1 [real day, not game day

So, there I was. Back in prison again.
I swore that last time I wouldn't let it happen again.
Then, I got careless. I trusted someone else to hold up their end and didn't cover myself in case they didn't. And sure enough, at the first chance, they screwed me over and hung me out to dry. Those bastards will pay if I ever get out of here. God only knows where they holed up though. I have no idea how I am going to find them.
I've got to get out of here first, and that doesn't seem likely. Only one person has ever escaped this hell hole, and that was a long time ago. And to top it off, I'm stuck listening to this pathetic piece of trash in the other cell.
Great, the guards are coming. I wonder what they want...
So, someone is trying to assassinate the emperor. I may not hold much allegiance to him, but whoever is trying to kill him must be a dirty scumbag. It sounds like they got to his children. Trying to wipe out the entire lineage.
It seems I was put in the wrong cell and there is a hidden passageway out of here, and the guards are just going to let me follow! I don't normally pray to the gods, but one of them must be smiling on me. Time to get my ass out of here.
The guards kept me from following them all the way out of the dungeon. That's alright, I'm used to making it on my own. But I don't see any other way out of here.
What's that? Gross! Rats! I hate rats! But at least they broke through the wall and it looks like there is another way out of here.
After scouring through some side passageways and killing some more rats and goblins, I found my way back to the tunnels underneath the prison and caught back up to the emperor. The a$$hole guard wanted to kill me, but the emperor seemed to think he knew me. He asked me a few questions. If it meant staying alive, I was more than happy to answer. At least I can follow the guards out of here now.
We eventually came to a blocked gate and a dead end. It turned out to be a trap! The emperors bodyguards did a heck of a job, but there were too many of them and they killed the emperor. But the bastard that did it paid with his own life. Before he died, Uriel gave me some amulet. Told me that he had another son and that I was to find some guy named Jauffre. I suppose I owe it to the gods that got me out of here to see what this is all about. The guard Baurus asked me a few more questions and told me how to get out of here. Now that the assassins were killed, there was a way out. So I followed it to the end of the sewers and was able to feel the sunlight upon my skin once more.
But, first things first. I'm broke and all I have is some ratty equipment. And all of that time spent locked up in prison has diminished my skills. I overheard one of the guards talking about Fort Nikel. It sounded like I might be able to find some loot there to get back on my feet. It is some place west of the Imperial City, so I should be able to walk there no problem. Hopefully there isn't anything too nasty in the place. It's a good thing I grew up fighting with my fists. I should be able to bash anything that I come across. It won't be the first time something underestimated my abilities with my hands. I should find some heavy armor to wear as well. I may be tough, but I'm not invincible and about the only spell I know is Detect Life. Picking locks won't help me in a battle, but my agility should help me get out of any tight places. Maybe I can use my feminine charms in the merchants district to swindle someone out of some armor.
After leaving the sewers I went straight to the market district to sell some of the crap I picked up down there. I met Sergius Verus in his shop, and he seemed pretty cool. But I had to flirt with him to get a better price. He let me get a little bit more gold, but not too much. Maybe next time I can do better if I'm not smelling like the rats and goblins I just killed.
Now lighter on my feet, I decided to make good use of the daylight and directly proceeded to the city's west gate to locate Fort Nikel. I left shortly after 11 am, but shortly before reaching my destination, the weather took a turn for the worse and the storm clouds quickly moved in. Damn I hate the rain. It certainly did not make the Iron armor I was wearing feel any more comfortable. But there was no place to wait out the storm as I had already passed Weye, so I just continued on.
When I got to the fort, I almost walked smack dab into the back of this ugly ogre! He was just out of reach of my detect life spell, but thankfully I spotted him in time. I knew I was rusty from sitting in prison for so long, but that damned ogre was a LOT tougher than I was expecting. I had to utilize a retreat and heal strategy. Eventually one of the lazy imperial legion found me and helped finish the ugly brute off. I'm just glad he didn't start asking me any stupid questions because, like a dolt, I still had my manacles on! That would have been hard to explain!
After the little hair-raising adventure, I finally made my way into the fort. I wish I had an aptitude for illusionary magic because it was darker than a rats bunghole down there. I had to pull out one of the torches I picked up from the sewers to see anything, but I can't very well fight while holding it in my hand. Near the entrance of the fort were a couple of chests that didn't contain much. I had just started to walk further into the fort when I was jumped by a female marauder! She startled me so much I almost smothered the torch with my face! Well, she soon learned the mistake of doing that and died without making much of a sound. I thanked her posthumously for the nice Iron armor she was wearing.
Further in the fort I stumbled upon some marauders and bandits. But the damnest thing, they started fighting each other! I liked that. A lot! I was hoping my luck would hold and everyone would die but one. But that didn't happen. The marauders quickly dropped like flies and that left all 3 bandits! I was pretty sure I could take them, but I didn't want to just charge on in and get caught flat-footed.
So I head down the stairs around the bend after raising a gate that was blocking the way. To my surprise, one of the bandits, an archer, decided to come running out of there to attack me. Unfortunately she didn't follow me all the way back up the stairs so I had to go down and beat her to a pulp. She nicked me with an arrow, but it was just a scratch. I was happy that her two friends didn't come and join her right away. That allowed me to cast a heal spell and regroup.
Next on down the stairs was a bandit hedge wizard. I don't know what spell he cast when he saw me, but it didn't help him. After a few punches, he tried to run away, but another one to the back of the neck saw him crumple into a lifeless heap. But I didn't have any time to celebrate as another damned archer stuck me in the leg with an arrow. When he saw the anger in my eyes as I turned to face him, he just about peed his pants. Good thing for him he was waist deep in water, cause I think he just may have peed anyway. I screamed in fury and attacked, but he was a bit more elusive than the others and snuck in a couple of cheap shots on me as we tussled in the water. Without my torch, it was difficult to get my baring, but he was splashing around like a wounded dog, so I just listened to his movement then finished him off with a swift chop to his throat. His lifeless body splashed into the water next to the marauders he had just helped kill.
Thankfully there wasn't anything else left to fight. I quickly looted the bodies nearby and started searching for chests. I found one nearby that was locked. I'll have to remember to thank my mentor Terulius for teaching me how to pick a lock because the chest had some nice rings inside that will fetch me a nice price back in the city. The other chests down there did not contain much, but combined with the armor on the marauders, I was off to a nice start to re-making my fortune.
When I got back outside, it was still raining. But I was already soaked from fighting in the water, so I just svcked it up and started walking back to the city. I got back around 5 and the rain stopped shortly after, so I was able to dry off a little before heading back to Sergius' shop. He bought all of the junk I had just found in the fort and I was starting to feel good about my new lease on life.
I then made a quick stop at the Fighting Chance and had Rohssan fix up my gear. I wish I knew how to use those nice little repair hammers. It is rather a pain in the butt to be out and about and have your armor fall to pieces. At least I don't have to worry about fighting with a dented weapon. A nice heal spell keeps my fists nice and tough.
It was getting late so I went next door and rented a room from Velus. It was a bit steep for 20 gold, but I was exhausted and just wanted to lie down before getting an early start the next day. During the night I overheard some people in the next room talking about a famous pirate who had a cave on the gold coast. I think they said it was called Dunbarrow and might be located beneath Anvil Castle. If the rumors are true, the place is bound to have some loot. The only problem is that it's a long ass walk from here. I'll have to look into grabbing a horse to make the journey. I've got over 1100 septims, but I don't really want to waste it all on some old nag of a horse. Hopefully I can snag one from the stables without anybody seeing.
I got up early the next morning and made my way to the Chestnut Handy Stables. The lazy farmhand was walking around with a torch trying to look busy while actually doing nothing. I was able to hide behind a wall when he had his back turned and hop on to a white horse before he had a chance to realize what was happening. She turned out to be a real nice horse who was quick on her feet.
Thus began my long ride to Anvil. The trip was largely uneventful because Betsy (that's what I named the horse) was able to sprint past anything that wanted a piece of us. Although she did take a shot from an annoying imp early on.
We arrived at Anvil around mid-morning, and I could sense that Betsy wanted to go back home, but I couldn't bare to part with such a fine steed. So I reluctantly locked her in at Horse Whisperer Stables. I hoped she would still be there when I was done looting the cave; if it even existed.
The cave was supposed to be under the castle, so that was where I went first. The castle happened to be on a small island in the bay, and that meant only 1 thing if the cave really existed- I was going to get wet. It was easy enough to walk around the back of the castle. Once there, I spotted a little cove, so I decided to investigate. Sure enough, there was a cave entrance there, half covered by water. I knew there was no helping it, so I just jumped right in, got wet, and went straight inside.
Once in, I was able to head straight back through the water and up a slop onto dry ground. I thought that maybe this wouldn't turn out to be so bad after all. A couple of torches were lit at the top, so I knew there would be somebody inside and I would have to be prepared.
The cave was dark, but thankfully, I didn't have to use a torch to see. I didn't have far to go before spotting a real pirate ship moored within the cave. Amazing! I wondered how they got it in here. There was no choice but to check the ship out.
The inside of the cabin was blacker than black, and like the archer I killed in the fort, I almost peed my pants when I came across Captain Dugal! Only, it wasn't Captain Dugal, it was his skeleton! Thank goodness for my detect life spell or I would have been swinging at air. Despite being a skeleton, I was able to kill the old captain for the second time in his life. There wasn't much in his cabin, just his journals, so I went back outside.
Another skeleton came at me near the docks, but he went down rather quickly. These skeletons may be scary looking, but they sure were pretty weak. So I knew that I was pretty safe in here. Eventually I cleared the place out and decided to sit down and skim the captains journals.
Through my various activities in the past, I had heard of a ship captain here in Anvil named Dahlia Raacham. I thought that perhaps she could assist me in hiring a crew to turn Dunbarrow Cove into a suitable base of operations. As it turned out, she could, but she wanted way more septims than I could afford to hire a crew, so I was back where I started. If I can ever procure enough money, I'll come back and hire the crew to provide myself with a continuous source of income. And maybe, just maybe, one of my crew will be able to discover for me, just where my backstabbing friends have holed up.
When I got back to the stables, I noticed that Betsy was gone. I muttered a little curse, but went inside to see if I could procure a different horse. Unfortunately, the price was too high. I went back outside to do some thinking and remembered the amulet the emperor had given me. Hey, aren't emperors supposed to be rich? Surely this Jauffre character will pay me something for returning the amulet.
So I knew what I was going to do next. Now I just needed to wait until this stable-hand turned his back so that I could steal another white stallion.