Did anybody keep their prison clothes?

Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:48 am

This is similar to the wrist irons one, but it has to do with the Sack Cloth Shirt, Sack Cloth Pants and "Shoes" our character wears at the beginning of the game.

In my case, I don't think I've ever had a character wear the actual prison clothes outside the Tutorial Dungeon. By the time they've made it out the sewers, they're wearing some armor, or in the case of a couple mages I've had, they'll be wearing the Mythic Dawn cloak & hood. The prison clothes ALWAYS get discarded.

On the other hand, I've had at least 2 characters that I can think of who don't mind wearing the Sack Cloth clothes & shoes when it's safe to do so. Dyan phor a'Cauz is one of them (she has a desire to appear "humbled" when she's in town) and my Slave/Theif character (Wanda Bone, who is now deceased) is another. Wanda actually liked going to jail! :clap: It meant she could get some peace & quiet.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:26 am

No, no and no again. Lol. Sack cloth. Yuck! :wink:
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:35 pm

No, no and no again. Lol. Sack cloth. Yuck! :wink:

Aww come on! Once you get past the lice, they're actually quite comfortable! :yuck: not!
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:34 am

Nope and Hell Nope.

Pending the char...It's either found armor, assassin robes or nudie.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:32 pm

I only keep the wrist irons for enhanting later on.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:03 pm

Hehe, not a single yes yet. Whenever i put on the robes and started sneaking i always hoped one of the guards would turn around like " We've got another!!! " ...was that just me...
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Jack Bryan
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