Of course the Pentium M doesn't exist in Fallout! My point is that if in our universe, half the Information Technology comes out of Israel, then perhaps (not certainly, but all the same, still plausibly), so too in Fallout, whatever that IT happens to be. So if Fallout's IT is vacuum tubes, then fine; Israel in Fallout makes the best vacuum tubes. Apparently Israel wasn't wiped out by the Arabs in the 1950s, however, as Tel Aviv was blown up in December 2053.
Sigh...there goes that joke, in the over-explained joke cemetery...
Doesnt mean that Israel exists, just that the city of Tel Aviv does.... Although it suggests that Israel does. Israel could have developed more in line with the original UN plan for the region (which I'll avoid discussing further due to the rules)
We have no idea what the economy of that region was like in the fallout universe... So to say that it must be X because in the real world it developed that way isnt neccesarily the best way of doing things - In the real world, the US and the UK have a very close relationship and share military and nuclear secrets, so we'd expect the US to share oil with its best friend, right? - Didnt happen.
What was the Isreali economy doing in the 1950's? What nations were on friendly terms? You need to start there and move forward, not start at today.