Did anyone else NOT enjoy the thieves guild questline?

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:07 pm

I wish Nocturnal all the best as when I did the TG quest I was already Listener in the DB, if she wants my Dunmer's soul she has to scuffle with Sithis for it. I hated having to pledge my soul to her but thought Sithis would probably make sure I will be embraced in his endless void.
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J.P loves
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:23 pm

I felt that the stronger writing, story, and realism (contributing to my suspension of disbelief) was more than enough to compensate for limited options. It also wasn't as buggy as the last thieves guild quest line, but it still has some pretty bad bugs in it.

I felt that the better story and characters made up for a lack of options. I'd still like the key to that treasury room, but whatever. The story was good and I had fun with it. It was well-done; although the bugs and glitches detracted greatly from that experience. Hidden behind the poop-storm created by all these bugs is the best game I've ever played. I certainly hope Bethesda does a better job of trying to calm that storm this time around than they did with Oblivion.

They've certainly made enough money to be able to do so, so the only other possibility is that they simply aren't inclined to do so.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:51 pm

It'd be nice if the npcs updated their random ramblings with current events. "So, you're Brynyolf's new protege eh?" "No...I'm your fricking guildmaster".

Overall I found the grinding of sidequests rather tedious and repetitive. DB storyline was much better.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:02 pm

It'd be nice if the npcs updated their random ramblings with current events. "So, you're Brynyolf's new protege eh?" "No...I'm your fricking guildmaster".

Overall I found the grinding of sidequests rather tedious and repetitive. DB storyline was much better.

Most dialogue does update. Let's give some credit where it's due. They learn that we're the dragonborn, they hear about our murders (even if they don't know we did it), and so on. They did a pretty good job with updating the dialogue, really. That guy at the guild is an oversight.

I can live with oversight. I dislike gross negligence.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:03 pm

Most dialogue does update. Let's give some credit where it's due. They learn that we're the dragonborn, they hear about our murders (even if they don't know we did it), and so on. They did a pretty good job with updating the dialogue, really. That guy at the guild is an oversight.

I can live with oversight. I dislike gross negligence.

Agreed. I was speaking only specifically in the context of the Thieves Guild. But I see now that's not how it sounds. My mistake.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:04 am

The Dovahkiin promises his soul to a different entity at least every day.

Lol, yes. When you finally die the Daedra can duke it out amongs them selves. :D
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:46 am

Are you kidding me that was the best questline in the game, especially the last couple of quests. only part that wasnt so good were the side jobs to become the guild master wich fyi can be done for about an hour... so yeah i enjoyed it Alot
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:17 pm

*spoilers, but we are in the spoilers section so no worries*
yeah, the whole promising your soul away really bugged me about the quest, I'm the dragonborn, my soul is meant for some rather more important things than languishing in the evergloam, or whatever it's called, for eternity.

I also wasn't too pleased that everytime I had someone following me, they seemed to be a bunch of clowns. If I had a nickel for every time Mercer Frey got beaten to near-death by a draugr lord, i'd be a very wealthy man, to say nothing of the nightingales stumbling into every trap in the dungeon. Oh, and then there's the near impossible quest at honingbrewm where right as you're about to finish and pat yourself on the back for a job well done, a dragon swoops in and burns the place to cinders...

and as a final point, no one acknowedges me as guild master either, brynjolf says he's too busy and everyone else is just as annoying. And sapphire still won't tell me her name.. I swear she's the only decent character of the whole bunch, even if she is annoyinh.

edit: oh I forgot one of the things I hated the most. Besides the first pickpocketing test to get into the guild, you can largely get through the entire questline as a murderous axe swinging barbarian. Seems almost every quest is just another dungeon crawl, and forget about that "not murderers" rule, you have to massacre those bandits/draugr/unlicensed thieves to complete the quest. All in all I much preferred the thieves guild in oblivion, there was a sense of nobility, and apart from the final quest (which was epic enough to atone for this one flaw), you didn't need to kill anyone.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:55 pm

I wish Nocturnal all the best as when I did the TG quest I was already Listener in the DB, if she wants my Dunmer's soul she has to scuffle with Sithis for it. I hated having to pledge my soul to her but thought Sithis would probably make sure I will be embraced in his endless void.

I don't think nothingness is going to protect you from tangible change.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:38 am

Those were my only two problems:

- sending a Nightingale to freaking pickpocket stuff.

- pledging myself to Nocturnal in order to finish the questline; that should be a choice.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:37 pm

Thives guild where are they ? I found some folks in the sewers, but the quests and actions made me more like mavens hired thug than a thief. hel everyone knows if you join them too, and mistakes them for this thives guild.


1) People know your a member
2) Know your HQ location
3) You can become guildmaster by swinging a warhammer at everything
4) first few quests are shkedowns

Your not really a tief.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:43 pm

Sure all the gold,loot,and nightingale armour was nice but why did we exactly promise our souls to nocturnal?or have to do dozens of petty thefts to become guildmaster?
the whole "your soul will be thiers for all eternity" was never something I had any love for,I dont want to serve Sitis,or Nocturnal...and because of the race I choose theres no real chance I'll get to Sovangarde
I am nitpicking the details,but honestly Bethesda why no famous "door number 3"? quests in previous games always had another option

because they spent all there time redoing the system which pretty much is the same cept the fx are a bit better they didnt put hardly any choices and stuff in pretty ridiculous lol the more i play the more i realise there is no choice i would much preferd same system but more detail
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:13 pm

I was dissapointed with all the guilds, mage guild -> finished before it even got started, companions -bleh..., Theives guild- what about it was anything to do with theft? No one in Skyrim has anything decent to steal, not even the Jarls. It was so freakin epic in Oblivion stealing an elder scroll but in Skyrim it's just all about Nocturnal and in Oblivion, she freakin gives you the skeleton key in her quest! I was very put out. DB- was the only good one, it had the old fun in it, loved going on the boat, loved sneaking in and poisoning his food. That's what the Thieves guild should have been about- sneaking around places, stealing important things, incriminating others. You could have done so much fun stuff, messing around with all the politics XD. I know it's crummy of me, but I really miss Morrowind's guild quests, you know where you'd have factions in different cities and you'd move slowly up the ranks, doing jobs for different people. I miss it.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:03 pm

I hated being peer pressured into pledging eternal service to Nocturnal. I had no problem preforming services for gods and daedra as most of them just wanted a job done. A few wanted mortal service maybe but none ever said they would own me. So I walked out on the quest. I donned the armor and listened to the speech and then was asked if I was ready to serve... "^%$* no... I'm not selling my afterlife for some trinkets! Screw you lady!" And I walked out. Quest never to be completed, which is a shame, because up until that point I was enjoying the quest-line.

I would have loved the option to say "I want to help you get justice, but I can't accept those terms" And on with the next stage of the quest, no armor, no gifts, just completing the quest and maybe becoming the guild master.
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