Oblivion's map is better. | Oblivion's journal is much better. | Oblivion's UI is better (never thought I'd have to say that, ever, in regards to another Elder Scrolls game :shakehead: ).
Disagree with these. The UI in particular. The Skyrim UI might be one of my favorite UI's in any game. To me, it's not only aesthetically pleasing, but I think it's incredibly user friendly and easy to use as well.
Oblivion's magic is better.
Yes and no. Oblivion has more effects, but I think that's the only thing better.
Oblivion's quests are better.
Yes and no. I think the overall questlines are better in Oblivion, but I think on a quest by quest basis, the individual quests are better in Skyrim.
Oblivion's faction questlines might be better.
On the whole, I might agree with you here. I've only played one faction in Skyrim (College of Winterhold), and individually, I enjoyed the quests in Skyrim much more than Oblivion. But Oblivion had a deeper Mage's Guild questline that was much more involved, so when judging the entire questline, I give it to Oblivion.
Skyrim's world is much better.
Skyrim's dungeons are much better. | Skyrim's AI might be better.
These I agree with.
Skyrim's main quest is better.
I don't know if I agree with this. I think I may like the Oblivion main quest better. At least in terms of story. But they are close.
Skyrim's political backdrop is better.
Yes, agreed. Oblivion didn't have much in the way of political conflict. I think Skyrim's political backdrop trumps even Morrowind's.
Skyrim's enemies seem better, but there are much less of them.
I don't know if I really have a preference here.
Skyrim's a great game and all, and I love it, but I think people demonise Oblivion a bit too much. I have very fond memories of Oblivion, and I can say without nostalgia clouding my judgement that I prefer some aspects of Oblivion to those we find in Skyrim.
There's really not much I prefer from Oblivion over Skyrim. Probably the only thing I can think of is some missing spell effects that Oblivion has that Skyrim doesn't, and the overall storyline of Oblivion I think might be slightly better than Skyrim, but not significantly so.
And that's not a demonisation of Oblivion. I absolutely love Oblivion.
Also - I'm not picking. I just felt like responding to those points, not necessarily to get on you about your opinions, but rather just to state mine.