» Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:39 am
I think its a pretty cool idea, but could have used a few more rounds of playtest/back to the drawing board. Highlight the roads and get rid of the weather obscuring everything and I think it would be a lot more useful. Also, with mods you can have a lot more freedom with positioning the camera, which can help if you can't tell whether your objective is on top of a mountain or is a cave into the base on the other side, out of view. It's also horrible for 3D vision users - the map markers only look like they're part of the map, they're actually rendered at screen depth, so they suffer the same problem as a 2D crosshair, when you look at the map you see two of each marker, one to either side. You can sort of get used to it, but it makes everything look too cluttered.
Seems like a lot of work though for something that doesn't fit the game as well as a rugged paper map would. For Fallout though it would be pretty cool as part of your Pipboy, especially if it rendered as more of a hologram rather than a full color duplicate of the landscape.