We all know and love http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v680/Wyver_Almasy/Fish1.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v680/Wyver_Almasy/fish2.png.
I was thinking about using them as temporary graphics in a game prototype that I'm working on (unrelated to Morrowind or Morrowind modding), so I took the time to have a closer look at the readme for permissions and contact information and such. Previously, I was under the impression that Cait had made the sealife models completely from scratch, but a closer look at the readme directed me towards the original source for the models - and, to my surprise, the site is still up and running.
So, at this same site, can be found - in addition to the fish models - http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.toucan.co.jp/3DCG/3ds/FlowerModels.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://www.toucan.co.jp/3DCG/3ds/FlowerModels.html%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DWAI%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=X&ei=1dQ5UaGVCKfl4QSV5ICwBg&ved=0CDQQ7gEwAA. They are under the same usage conditions as the fish, free for use in personal projects and (conditionally?) free for use in commercial projects. And they are beautiful - but I don't recall ever seeing them used in a Morrowind mod.
Even though they could totes be used in a Morrowind mod.
Here are some better pics to look at. Do you see how nice these files are? So nice!
Did anyone ever use these in a Morrowind Mod?
Because I don't remember ever seeing them in a Morrowind Mod.
It's completely possible that they are in a Morrowind Mod, but I just never took a proper look at that Morrowind Mod.
The important thing, here, is that these would look good in a Morrowind Mod and so if they are not in a Morrowind Mod, then somebody (not me!) should think about putting them into a Morrowind Mod, because I would like to see them in a Morrowind Mod.
At the very least, I'd like to bring them to people's attention.
I've a feeling that this is old, old, super-old news and that I'm going to look stupid, but it don't matter because I'm a rebel and I don't give a frig.