Without weighing everyone else's reasons I would like in my simple way to allow Azura and the 'Gods' to take a pragmatic view:
- If Azura lets these The Trubunal get away with defying her then who will be next?
People defy gods all the time. It's how them become them.
- Then try assuming that Azura is as advertised in the up-front Morrowind Gameplay and then look at what was done with Lhorkan's Heart - The Tribunal 'bound' it - could that have been what made it possible for Dagoth Ur to commence his spewing of filth?
The Tribunal didn't bind it, the Dwemer did. The Tribunal just used it to become gods while the Dwemer (might have) used it to ascend to their own plane, while Dagoth Ur used it to become a god too, and he has pretty valid reasons to do what he did, as far as I'm concerned. Not all level-headed, but far away from 'his spewing of filth'.
- Also do Gods feel pain or are they further harmed after their hearts are torn from their bodies and then bound?
Lorkhan was demolished when this happened. You see those two moons in the sky? Yeah, that's what's left of Lorkhan.
- Wasn't the tearing from the body part another God's judgement, right or wrong;
Yeah, the Aedra were pretty pissed that he tricked the into participating in the creation of the mortal world. I think they were justified in their actions.
- How do you think the Daedra Princes and Aedra generally would feel if everyone decided that they could do that with a God's Heart? As in: 'Hey guys, lets go down the pub for a quick one and then it's off to Sheoggy's place to tear out his heart, bind it and svck the power out of him to make ourselves Gods'

The reason why everyone DOESN'T do it is becuase it's far more complicated than that. You can't just go up to a god and rip their heart out. :wacko:
- Did any of the Aedra or Daedra try to prevent the Nerevarine?
No. At least, not during the MQ. But there may have been some behind-the-scenes work as to the way things played out. In the MQ, the PC actually gets blessings from an avatar of Talos, so I'd say at least the majority of them are glad the PC is ridding the world of Dagoth Ur.
- Frankly if I were one of the Daedric Princes or Aedra and Vivec tried to turn a so-called solemn proceeding as this supposed court into a circus and public muatring I would simply have snuffed him - unless I was a God that liked being muatred?
There's nothing you would be able to do about it if he pierced you, except explode just like she did. It's not like ANY god is like 'Yay! Take my tower next, and degrade me into a wandering idiot in the endless seas of Oblivion! Please Vivec, please!!!'
- Sheogorrath may be insane (and we know the old one opposed Azura) - but is the new one a masochist? What will his peers do in response to his inaction in the face of this outrage against what was likely their collective judgement re the Nerevarine and The Heart?
Nothing? :shrug: It's not like it's worth shooting a dead horse. The Nerevarine incident is over with, and the place-holder Sheogorath hasn't done anything about it yet, and probably never will.
The one clear thing that comes out of this is that the difference / gap between mortals and immortals is reduced.
Basically it looks like one man's view of something that should have a far wider prospect and ramifications.
If you are street wise you will know this trick - A street thug attacks someone and then when they try to defend themselves or anyone steps in to defend them the thug rounds on the defender/s and accuses them of being the aggressors. It has nothing to do with whether the action was right or wrong an deverything to do with the abuse of force or power.
Also it invites the reader to delight in an appalingly cruel and degraded act.
So this is not the Vivec I met in his Temple in Morrowind. This is the nutcase Vivec that you might read about in the Tribunal's books - and I took that to be spin for the masses. And frankly the Tribunal books had some excellent passages but seemed otherwise quite purile. So as a player it does not ring true to me.
No, it's the same Vivec, just not all dishevelment-like. You really think Vivec is going to be mean to the reincarnation of the man he slew, yet the same man who is going to go out there and rid his land of his (im)mortal enemy? No, he's going to deceive, just like is in his nature.
To say Vivec achieved a higher state of awareness and then goes from the sane and balanced pragmatist in his Temple to this lunatic once he is freed from the corrupting influence of the abuse of the Heart does not ring true in itself either.
To persuade me to accept this is possible there would have to be something else involved ... waiting ...
Wait? Well, I really don't see where you're getting the insanity idea from. It's not like he just ran in stark naked, foaming from the mouth, smelling of vodka and hokers, and said 'YO AZURAAAAAAA! EAT THIS, BIOOOOOOOOOOOTCH!' He simply was doing what he likes to do, which is gaining power and back-siding everyone in the universe.
And yes, duality comes into play here, but the thing you're trying to get answers to has nothing to do with duality, just with natural impulse.