Jessica Jones came out as Miss Jones.
Jessica Jones came out as Miss Jones.
He called me Mr. Mike. I hate that when my dentist calls me that. Now I have to put up with the game calling me it? I'd prefer "Master" to Mr, after all he is a butler robot, so should say "Master" like any proper butler would. (Alfred in Batman comes to mind)
I named my character Nora Richards, and Codsworth called me "Mrs. Richards".
It's amazing how happy something that simple can make you, isn't it?
No proper butler would. Master refers to a male child of the household, essentially the male equivalent of Miss (though there are issues from the 17th/18th century, where women had to wait to be married at their father's house, hence why they continued to be called Miss, and men leaving home and having wild bachelor days on their own). In Bruce Wayne's case, it is likely due to Alfred raising him since he was a child.
He didn't know the first name Beau, but he did know the last name and greeted me as "Mr. Thompson". Didn't know it was a feature in the game - gave me a smile when he did it.
Random question, but does anyone know if your full name is on the list, will Codsworth say the whole thing or just the first name? Something like Daryl Vargas (example).
I'm just happy Dawson worked. I didn't read any of the prelease information or news in order to keep the game brand spanking new and surprising for me. When Codsworth called me Mr. Dawson, my jaw dropped. Good think I vacuumed the floor while waiting for the unpacking process otherwise my jaw would be dirty.
A thousand names you say? Dang you would think me being on the Bethesda forums since Morrowind, Bethesda would have had Davor in there.
Dang, it's my childhood all over again, never see Davor on those pens or pencils or what not. Why oh why.
Still you would think out of a 1000 names, mine would have finally been in there. I guess Bethesda doesn't check their own forums for our names eh. Now that would have been a small loyalty present.
Yes to Benjamin, though it sounds like "Benjen".
He said mine. Their list seems really weird, that it includes things like "Danger" but not "Kyle". Though, I assume the devteam influenced it heavily and it wasn't simply a blanket name selection based on popular names or something.
Quick question (I have yet to play the game- getting it this coming weekend)- Does Codsworth say your name if you have you have two names? So if I was Tom Edwards, would he call me "Mr. Tom", or would I have to make it so that my character is only named Tom (and no last name)?
It chooses a single word from your name and he says that. I assume the first word in your name that it matches to one of their entries is the one he says. i.e. Alexander Thomas Robert would simply be "Mr. Alexander"
My girl is named Cassandra. he didn't seem to know it. Keeps calling her "mother"
He did. But he said it funny, almost as if he was saying M'aiq....
He did, but honestly I find some of the voiced lines so... stiff... without flow... I feel like it would sound better if omitted.
Hearing a slow, thoughful "Miss Jack..." be immediately followed by a chirpy "Nick anything good?!" sounds weird enough to laugh at.
NO, he didn't!
He was just like - heeeyyy, YOU. [censored]'s blown up yo.
That crazy robot.
mine is just Josh (my wifes suggestion)...and well, without expectation he said my name, Mr. cool
i went into fallout 4 purposefully not knowing anything about the game.
hearing the robot say my characters name freaked me out tbh. lol
but yes, David is my chars name and the robot says it.