so if this one understands correctly................this one can start playing at 5am tomorrow ............when she wakes up early after setting her alarm clock?
so if this one understands correctly................this one can start playing at 5am tomorrow ............when she wakes up early after setting her alarm clock?
errr. yep, I'm pretty sure my tomorrow is your today... so tomorrow....
No fair. Ozzies get a head start on everything.
hello glargg this one hopes you are well
yes its true this on is ahead in time from the rest of the world so here are the next winning lotto numbers 15, 21, 31, 38, 46, 49................. now if you win this one expects a ticket so she can come and visit you & have a nice drink
PS ............. just to be on the safe side please play the numbers you never know?!
sets her alarm clock .................exactly 24 hours to go
..........hopes this one can get some sleep
...............Rick are you ready?
this one is so lonely ..............everyone is sleeping and only this one is awake
............not fair!.........
*SUDDEN MOMENT OF DIVINE INSPIRATION* .............giggles............*grabs a razor & shaving cream*
I can only spectate this round so...
*goes to Tamriel Outfitters Ltd Competition Merchandise Shop*
Hmmm... hats, t-shirts, banners, chain mail bikinis, they have it all.
*buys Sah t-shirt*
*heads for concession stand*
*orders double mammoth burger with assorted cheeses by Sheogorath and some mead with juniper berries*
*finds a seat somewhere out of blood splatter radius*
I'm ready!
So... start tomorrow...and I still have a dilemma!! or either way...but
I can't decide... Oh those arms! but but... he would look so
in Ebony....
Eh, don't think about "look". Think about "DO".
Muscle's... yeah...
lol.... Well I've done light and heavy Sword & Board... so either is good for me...
I never do shields. Or archery. SO not my thing.... but hey! I'm not playing this game so it doesn't matter!
Well you could and S & B is just what I decided to use... I have an RP with, sword in one hand...spell in the other.... is 2h... so I wanted him to be a bit different. As I plan on going through DG & MQ...S & B makes sense... and archery... all those lovely Crossbow's...with... special
I mean you could play this DiD round... it's not "everyone is S & B"... its all about the quest's done.
Eh, no. I can't do DiD. I'm not willing to make toons that will never live to the end. It's not my idea of fun, sorry.
Not a Problem, it's not a play style for everyone.... btw... Akemmi was my last "official" rounds character... she's still alive and waiting for me to finish part of her story.... unless she dies first of course, then she will start all over.
I've been too busy working on my mods ( to join in with Round 9, but Round 10 sounds like it is shaping up nicely, so I may try to join in on that one.
Contessa Adella Di Nascosta-mente
At your service.......But just Adella to her friendsSo as their is only 3 days left in this competition, I thought I would start the dialogue back up for the next... so specific rules:
1) No Crafting
2) Found items only
3) No Buying or selling
4) No Training
5) 2 (two) week time limit...40 hr's per week???? or 40 hrs full competition????
6) limit on enchanted items????
7) points
a ) per quest/ quest-line ( same as round 9)
b ) X amount of gold ??
c ) 100 points per named unique item???
8) All other DiD rules apply... may restart as many times as you want...
Because this competition stops on the 29th with the Race over on the weekend, we could start on the 6th at 1am. We could also make it a true "scavenger" hunt... where not only is the character a scavenger ( by using/ wearing what is found) but also add points for named items... and to keep it simple just 100 points for named unique items, from Bulbus's spoon to Ahtar's mask... ...seriously...go after the spoon!!! lol
Because of the limited time to play, we should be able to update on a regular basis, which is for me, part of the fun, seeing what everyone has done.
So voice opinions people!!