- minus points for quests failed / quests in log but not completed (each quest in log not completed = -250?)
- No followers?
- Not counting post-questline radiesnt quests?
Some thoughts
Some thoughts
No Followers ( except forced quest followers...only for that quest) is a great idea.
-The downside as I see it, is that you would have to do certain quest's in a linear fashion... meaning even though you have to travel past XX spot for XX quest, you can't drag "quest follower" into that dungeon, if they are not part of that quest-line.
* yes I am playing devils advocate here... ( we all know that we could ...in a strait line... drag Serana to at least 10 to 12 quest's from Fort Dawnguard to The **** Valley depending on the route we took)
- so either yes followers or no followers... except for forced quest-line followers, but only in their own quest-line.
Because for example... I could get Serana, travel to Riften... pick up Esbern, travel to Riverwood... pick up Delphine ( I now have 3 "quest" followers and I have followed strait lines from one quest to another) If I thought about it I am pretty sure I could think of a couple of quest's along that route to do. ( I could get Barbus in their somehow, I know I could )
I can see minus points for failed quest's but not for those left in your journal, the reason being that, If you have no plan's on Doing the CW, right from the very start you have a quest in your log that would cost points, same with Dawnguard or Dragonborn. Failing a quest that you took is a different story.
I'm not sure their is a way to figure out the difference between radiant quest's done during a quest-line and those done after... but I will check each quest-line and come up with how many it takes to "finish" it... I know if I do Dawnguard I like to get a couple of the "bolt" radiant quests...better bolts...lol
King, I love the idea's!! It may not seem so...as everyone know's I love my followers... I am only being errrr exact because two of my very favorite DiD competitors love to skirt the rules ( Rick...Sah... ...but y'all know ya do) They never break them...just push. Sah plays a very...tactical game... so no move is going to be done without some thought and you see what I did above...getting 3 followers? I did that without a lot of thought behind it.
I have a bad feeling that I am going to fall flat on my face in my debut DiD
Ah Naw... just don't try to keep up with Rick and Sah on legendary... ain't gonna happen unless you have 24 hr's a day to play...ok...so maybe only 14...16 hrs?
Play for a bit on each difficulty ( start a save right out of Helgen) and decide which is the most comfortable for you. For me it depends on the "type" of Character... S & B or 2h, Expert or Master is fine... any thing else and I hit Adept or Expert. And I have only 2 to 3 hr's ( max) a day to play, except my days off. I will probably do this round on Expert, just because I don't have a lot of time...and I can get more done if I don't have to grind away at craft's just so a mudd crab doesn't kill my character.
( and that is where a follower really helps......lol )
I just had this to say: Got some mods? Send me your modlist!
Also, ain't going to participate, just here to help and stuff
Rick, it sounds like the contest is what Julia is still doing just in the other thread. I can’t promise she’ll still be alive by the time it starts, but if she is she will give you a cheery wave frowning salute at the starting line. (Julia doesn’t do cheery.)
runs in wearing her Olivia Newton John ....."I wanna get physical gym costume"
.......*starts jogging on the spot* ............*bends over and touches her toes*
....1..2...1...2...1...2.....puff puff puff.........*checks her watch that counts her heart beat and how many days as a werewolf .....and that has the first sin as a logo *
.....puff puff puff.....WARNING WARNING..........DiD Warp Core something something Overload .............. Red ALERT ...........every one to there stations
when do we start?
Zooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..............................runs of into the distance
......or sun set if you like
.....puff puff puff ................and may the Force be forever in your Favor
..........puff puff puff.......puff.....puff...piff
...............and may the Force...whatever!
lol.... your welcome... make sure you get a good days rest ahead of time.... wouldn't do to be puffing at the starting line!
What's the theme for this competition? And is there a rule page floating around somewhere?
Make that 3 warriors, don't forgot my sixy Orc Barbarian female, Yager!
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a mod to enlarge Orc's teeth
The only Orc teeth mod I saw on the Nexus was for making them whiter.
Oh, I think Balrog can handle that.
Sign me up!
There is a reason they are steep...
The other settings are that much easier. Before we make it more lvl between Legendary and Expert... please run a Character on Expert... ( the setting can't be stuck ). Through Helgen... all the way to H.H. at the very least. Shouldn't take more than 3 hr's...tops with no interuptions. IF you think it's completely fair to lvl it, then we can drop the multiplier down on Legendary and Master... I just think below Master it's way to easy to just "run" through the quest-lines. Make's playing on higher difficulty redundant...IF I can run through all the quest-lines in less than 2 week's...and I could... on Expert....with enough time to do so
Edit: Then why would I even try to run on Master or Legendary? I can start running through the quest-lines strait out of Helgen... with a very short pit-stop in Riverwood to do the smithing turtorial.. With the Steel perk... My warrior characters are ready, to make/ improve arm's and armor, that will get them through lvl 10 on Expert or Adept.
But if everyone... want's it more lvl... we can do that... I'm just hosting... lol... not errr dictator.
Not really a specific "theme" it's a blow out... points given for quest-lines and quest's done... X the multiplier.
1 life, max 3 week's... when the last character dies.. game over ( lol) He or She... with the largest score wins.
( Edit: we may do a "restart" * everyone agreeable* if the character is below lvl 10...which is where the character * on anything but Legendary and master* really start's to strengthen)
I know, that deeply saddens me
On the plus side, I commisioned an artist to do me some female Orc artwork
That test isn't going to tell you anything very useful. It's just not going to take you to a high enough level to see how it really works.
The difficulty setting thing is deceptive. As the game progresses, the actual difficulty of gameplay tends to equalize. The reason for that is that leveling is far slower at low difficulty settings. Skills increase more slowly, so you advance through quest lines at a much lower level. So the game gets progressively harder at low difficulty, and progressively easier at high difficulty.
If you can one-hit-kill wolves, it takes forever to raise your weapon skill. Same with everything else. You can develop non-combat skills faster by spamming them, but then your combat skills will lag behind your level, and you're even worse off.
Slow advancing skills mean slow advancing perks. You have poorer armor, poorer weapons, lower-level spells, low enchantments.
I'm not saying that high difficulty isn't harder, but I'm saying that in the long run it isn't as much harder as it seems at first.
For any one new to our DID Games
General rules ( some rounds have more restrictions)
General Rules
- No Fortify/Restoration looping.
- No forbidden mods (That give players advantage) (If you are new to this, send me your mod list [MrBattleAxe]).
- No reloading previous saves even if character did not die (unless a glitch occurred).
- No map based fast travel.
- Once in Helgen Keep, DiD rules apply (You must go through the cart cutscene!).
- No follower/trainer exploit.
* Companions limited to one companion and a dog.
(Quest companions like Serana and Barabus have to be
taken directly to their quest destination with minimal side trips.)
* Update at least once every 3 days (If you can)
- You cannot make skills legendary
Those with an * by them are under either different or under discussion for this round!
So far the Specific's are
* 3 week limit
* 1 life ( if only 1 person is still in the running... they can decide to stop once they get enough points to win... or keep going)
- I'm purposing a restart at/before lvl 10
* points for Quest-lines 1,000 and Quest's 500... ~Deadric quests 1000 also?~
I will post those and any round specific rules when I make the Competition thread Thursday night... please post your character like this:
Player name: Aireal
Character name: http://i.imgur.com/tGnGccS.jpg <<~~ pictures appreciated ( by all) but not nessessary!
Race: Nord
difficulty setting: Expert
hmm It wouldn't for most, but really that was aimed at Rick... I just didn't quote ( and should have) He and Sah know exactly how long it would take to get to the point they could run up to H.H. ( Way of the Voice) on Legendary with a good chance of not dying. I can do Skuldafn under lvl 15 and have on Adept, I am not sure I would wish to try that on Legendary, not sure "I" could get to that point on Legendary, under lvl 15
But that's actually my point... I can do most of the quest-lines at a very low lvl on a lower difficulty setting... I know Legendary and Master are choices, but to make it a more fair choice... more points. Less points if you want to skate through the game on novice.
Because this only points for Quest's & Quest-lines done... it behooves one to play on lower settings.. cause then you can get more done in a shorter amount of time...on lower lvl characters. No "grinding" up of crafts is needed on lower difficulties... it is on higher ones.
Of Course if everyone feel's I am wrong... then we will lvl out the multiplier...
Yeah, I was just throwing my two septims worth in there.
You can do the Main Quest through HH at level 1, at Adept. My Lola unarmed character finished Ustengrav (the horn) at level 1, and turned level 2 during Blade in the Dark. The Main Quest isn't really the problem. The problem is slow and unbalanced leveling, and lack of perks. Side quests where you're up against multiple enemies can be brutal at low level, regardless of the difficulty setting.
I think it would be interesting sometime to have a competition where we were required to play at Novice, and complete the MQ, the CoW, and Dawnguard as fast as possible. I have a feeling it would open some eyes.
In any case, I'm happy with the scaling as proposed, and I may just run a Novice character, just for the Halibut.