I voted no restrictions for this round. I have been really enjoying the restricted rounds, but we have had a couple of fairly restricted rounds so I feel it is time for one with no restrictions.
I liked Rafur Darksun's idea for scoreing. I also liked Sah's idea for the scoring but found it slightly too restrictive. I'd rather see no level limit on completing BFB and no prohibition on carts.
I will repost my last post from the other thread, since it has more details about my thoughts on these issues. I was typing it as it hit post count and it belongs here.
I rarely use followers anyway, so I am okay with no followers. Either way is fine with me.
But I don't like the idea of level restrictions, like you must fight the first dragon by level 20 or at level 20 you must abandon all followers. If its no followers, then it should be that way from the beginning. And players should choose when they are ready to face those swinging blade traps in BFB, which are more terrifying and deadly than any dragon. If players score is based in large part on dragons killed, that is enough incentive for players to try to tackle those blade traps as early as possible. I could give a rats piss about facing a dragon, but I am not going to face those god damned blade traps until I am good and ready. Even a minor scraqe from those things are instant death for a low level character on legendary. Yes, I have a personal beef with those blade traps, since they killed a couple of my legendary DiD characters in the past.

I also object to no carts. No map based fast travel yes, but last time I did not carts, my game totally bugged out on me and became unplayable. I am convinced that no carts had something to do with it, which led to an unstable game (and the excessive alchemy picking may have also contributed). But with no carts, my character was dead in the water since the game froze every single time he tried to walk from one city to another. With carts, he could have continued, since he could get quite a ways from a city before freezing but there were barriers he just could not cross.
With those two relatively minor changes (no level requirement for facing the blade traps, and cart travel allowed) I would fully support Sah's proposed scoring system. And I will support whatever follower rule people want.