

Na, it's a ummm for want of a better word "disc" that slips into the 360, their is a port under the fin's, it's hard to find, but their.
this item says no longer sold... but it's what I had, their are others larger really. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Xbox-360-250GB-Hard-Drive-Xbox-360-Xbox-360/15080524 Hopefully the link works, cause I know country to country sometimes they don't.
Well poo... I didn't know they had changed it. Their was only one "empty" slot in my 360, but it had it's "original" drive and the "extra" one that you could add in. IF you saved all your "saves" to the extra drive in stead of the original one, you could then pull it ( properly of course) and put it in another 360 and play your saves on that one, which is what I did when the dogs destroyed my 1st one. I haven't even looked into replacing my old one yet, cause I have other things that I need to spend the money on more. ( though I do miss playing my other games)
Akemmi is fine, sitting at an Inn enjoying some dinner and wincing at the bad music. She'll be heading back to Whiterun shortly, Then off to Halted stream Camp... she needs some money and a boost in a couple skills...lol ( up date by the weekend probably... as I have tomorrow and Friday off)... Thankfully I'm missing the Inspection by District at work today( I have evening shift).. I'll get the "notes"...
Falmer, Ugh. Horrid little beasts. I find them simply disgusting sweetie. The best way to greet a Falmer is to stand on his face while burying a mace into one of his vile little friends
Nice going on the MQ, Rick!
I'm just catching up on my reading here. I spent a ridiculous amount of time today, installing my new graphics card. It's about two inches longer than the old one, which meant that I had to disconnect and reroute just about every cable in the box, and relocate one of my hard drives to a different drive cage. It's amazing; I have an enormous Antec tower case, and they still manage to make graphics cards that won't quite fit.
But, once I got it all together, and fired up, and replaced my drivers, I fired up Skyrim, and it runs beautifully, with everything on ultra. I'm happy.
Ha... They didn't find a lot wrong, but had to get nit-picky... I mean seriously, one of the things on the list was that the mat in front of the urinal in the men's room was facing the wrong way...
I think I'm with Ulda on the Falmer... Icky...
Well at least you got it beat into submission... I'm still wrangling mine., I did some mod updates today, more than I really wanted, but this one needed that... and then that one needed the new version. I have three I had to take out, cause, they need patches, none are nessassary, But they just put the Usleep on Nexus so it might be a couple days before some catch up... or a week... or never for some.
Cool.... Akemmi has such a long way to go, before she is ready to tackle most of the Dungeons.
Ohh I hate when stuff like that happens.... and... I don't know why... but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W-fIn2QZgg... ....
Aw, poor baby! Is mean Ulda giving him a hard time then Just wait there poppet while
I get my violin out ! ... Man-up sweetie we have work to do and a new quest line to begin.....now get to it
Actually neither have I, though I have several AC/DC CD's for some reason that song is on none of them.
Lordy and I just barely started MQ...Akemmi's fighting a Forest Dragon in Riverwood atm... being careful to stay mostly undercover.
Well I like some of the immersive and deadly stuff...lol But yeah, because the difficulty is Legendary, I left the sliders on D.D. to default, which is basically vanilla... with a catch. They have extra abilities and are resistant to their ability... so frost is resistant to frost..etc
I'll get her update up tomorrow evening probably... It won't have the Forest Dragon fight on it... cause I am trying to keep bit ahead, but not too far. I'll remember that... garlic and grass pod...
I should have put it the other way.. the extra abilities... doesn't really matter. Akemmi came out of the fight with the Forest Dragon ok, didn't die...lol and didn't really get hit to often.
Tell Sah I hope she get's well soon.
Akemmi is lvl 17
Nothing complete
MQ started
Agent of Mara Started
a couple misc
http://i.imgur.com/sJWWdb9.jpg is of course a Zombie
I'll have her full update tomorrow... I have to edit... for grammar. Pictures to.
Well their's a particular accent, not exactly Southern and not French... it's a blurring of the two and for some reason I have always liked it. It's not the Cajun accent you would hear on Swamp people, but different... very hard to explain. Closer to a Creole accent, but that's not exactly it either. It's what I hear when she speak's to me. On the flip side my "human" guy's mostly end up with Sean Connery's accent... lol... I always thought he had a sixy voice.
Mid-Atlantic is more clipped and generally my Altmers or Dunmers will end up with that kinda accent... I had a Dunmer once with a Boston accent, now their's a funny thing. Bosmers have a more Appalachian accent, the whole "one with nature". Though each character will have their own accent based on their personality.
And how much of that made sense? lol
Akemmi is, thoughtful, precise, speak's in the kind of soft voice that only someone very sure of themselves use... You stop and listen, cause you know what they say is important. She has a caustic sense of humor that she shares with few, because she doesn't wish to hurt anyones feelings, though she can be playful and will laugh at herself.
And yeah, I have friends in other countries I talk to via PM's and chat's and email... and the time zone thing is a killer.
Catching up on the thread. Interesting happenings this competition! I've had something similar and have found that if you cast a rune onto the object within which the mob spawned it will explode and allow for killing the mob that's decided to use the evil powers of the "Glitch" to avoid you! Doesn't always work, but most of the times it does. When I have a rune master character I like to hit use runes on the underside of over bridges like Valthiem Towers to kill the patrols.
Dang...lvl 52. We have a long...long way to go...lol
Akemmi lvl 17
Story update
The Favor of a Jarl (pg 8)
The next day dawned bright and clear and we headed out as the first rays of sun crested the distant mountains. I caste a light spell to help our way down the Dwemer steps. Signar had decided to loot some of the Dwemer items that he had found, giving me a couple that he figured might be magical in nature, they were.
We made the hot spring area as the full light of day spread across the land, making it easy for me to find and pick herb's as we went along. Signar stayed on his horse, taking the reigns of mine and leading her along as I darted from plant to plant. We even stopped in at the Alchemists in Darkwater Crossing, I talked to her and got more of the herbs that grew in this area and asked her what she needed most for my next trip by. I kept track of time, as I wanted to be in Whiterun, by dark if not before hand. I was making my way along the outskirts of the hot spring, Tex darting off and fighting wolves once in a while, I caste a flame Atronach spell when they got to close, but kept going.
We did make it to Whiterun a little after dark and I went and got a room at the Bannered Mare, it was to late to ask around the Inn's for a playing job, but I had enough gold to play for a room. Signar said he would see me in the morning, as he had a bed in the Barracks, but would go with me to Dragonsreach in the morning. Signar and Tex were eating breakfast when I came down the stairs to the main room.
Signar made a comment about my not being an early riser, I just glared at him over my mug and said if you went to bed after 3am, you wouldn't be a happy camper either. He laughed and said truer words were never spoken. I finished my breakfast and went to the general store, only to have Belethor say I wasn't supposed to be there. I swear, I have no idea what that man has against me. Then went and spoke to Arcadia and sold some of the potions and excess herbs that I had. I had not looted any armor or weapons, so didn't go by and see Adrienne, though I had left a pack with pelts and hides, but they had my mark, so she would know who they came from.
As we went to speak with Farengar, a guard ran past us at full speed, he was out of breath and wheezing as only someone that has run a very great distance does. I explained about what we had seen at the two Dragon mounds on his map and showed him one that we added. In all of them the ground was torn open, like something exploded up out of the ground and neither a detect life or detect dead spell produced any results. He nodded as he took notes and asked a few question, which either I or Signar answered.
He was still asking questions when Irileth came in and said their was news of a dragon attacking the Western watchtower and the Jarl would like Farengar to come. She looked at Signar and I, and said it would probably be good if we both came also. So we followed them up to where the Jarl was standing in front of a large map. The guard was still giving his report to the Jarl and breathing very heavily, so he must have just started speaking.
He told Irileth and Signar to gather some guards and head to the watchtower and try to bring the dragon down. He asked me if I would help, as the only person who had escaped the dragon attack at Helgen, which was not exactly accurate, but I wasn't going to argue. Signar looked at me with that.. "and we have some things to discuss later look", well he could ask questions if he wanted, but I didn't really owe him an explanation.
Tex decided to join us, even though I did tel him that their wasn't all that much he could do against something that flew around. He just glared at me and I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't know if he could really understand me or not, but he sure didn't like the idea of staying in Whiterun. Sometimes I did wonder about that dog.
We left town with Irileth and several guards. I kept my eyes trained on the horizon and listened for the roar of a dragon. I did not see or hear it, but when we got to the watchtower it was on fire, a few of the guards were carrying another into the tower and I hurried after them to see if I could heal him. I heard one of the guards saying it was coming back and Irileth saying for everyone to ready there bows. I caste a summon towards the doorway and then turned back to the guard. He had some very nasty burns and I gave him a healing potion on top of the healing spell that I caste on him. He would not be back up for this fight, but he would walk back to Whiterun tonight, if we defeated the dragon that is.
My flame atronach was throwing fireballs at the fire breathing dragon and I had to wonder if that was doing any good. I summoned my bound bow and started firing arrows are fast as I could draw and aim. I pretty much stayed near the entrance to the tower, trying to cover any of the guards that were injured as they came up the ramp and then either giving them a potion or casting a healing spell on them.
Tex was having a tough time of it, the dragon not wanting to land for long, but he darted from once place to the other and gave some vicious bites when the dragon did land. Signar was having an easier time of it, with his bow. I caste my Flame atronach spell, but when the dragon got close enough, I caste Ice spikes at it.
This dragon just like the one in Helgen was speaking, I understood the words and didn't realize that no one else did. It got to the point where I could tell what he was going to do, by what he was saying. He was arrogant in that he would say we mortals were fine sport and then land. It didn't take long to figure that out and I whistled and got Signar's attention and told him the dragons pattern, I did not as it happens mention that I understood what it was saying. It did not take long after that to have him mortally wounded and on the ground.
Once he was on the ground the end was quick in coming, Signar and some of the guards closed quickly with their swords and Tex bit at it's legs and wings with a vengeance. I checked again on the guardsman I had healed and then walked down the ramp so that I could check on everyone else.
I had made it to the bottom of the ramp and the dragon was only a couple feet away, when it started to burn up from the inside out. Then the glow spread out to beyond the dragon, the men had been yelling and moving away from it now they sprinted away. I stood and stared in fascination watching the light get closer to me, then it seemed to enter and I felt a strengthening of a power I had never before paid attention to.
In that moment, I knew what that word wall in Bleakfalls Barrow was whispering and more, I knew I could use that word. One of the guards came over to me and in an awed voice said Dragonborn. The guards got into a discussion about if it was true and what it would mean, I stared off across the tundra and wondered what it meant for me. I had always been the right hand or the left, but never the one. Tex came over and laid his head along my hip and I scratched his ears, he wouldn't care who I was, as long as he got a rabbit and a scratch.
Signar came up from behind me and put his hand on my shoulder and asked if I was alright. I nodded and said I was fine, but we should head back to Whiterun to let the Jarl know the dragon had been defeated and that he might want to send a cart for the worse of the injured men. I patted the hand on my shoulder and then started off to town.
I had almost come to terms with the power that killing the dragon had given me, when we hit the outskirts of town, voices deep and loud...called to me, I knew not the word, but I knew they were speaking to me. I had stopped and looked to the building I could see high on the mountain. I nodded to myself, I would go, but not today or tomorrow.
Coming into town we stopped the guard captain, who was directing the wall guards and let him know that that dragon was no more. I explained about some of the guards and their injuries and he said he would arrange a cart, but I should still tell the Jarl. I had planned to.
I did speak with the Jarl about the dragon, his injured guards, but he seemed just as interested in the fact that I was Dragonborn and that the Greybeards as he called them wanted to see me. Greybeards, yes I had heard the name before, though not often, they were rather reclusive. He said he had climbed the steps to make the pilgrimage up the mountain, but had never spoken to them.
What surprised me was that he named me Thane and said I might buy a house in his hold if I so choose. Then I was absolutely amazed when he said I was to have a housecarl assigned to me and Signar cleared his throat... the Jarl looked at him and said if that was what he wanted and I was agreeable then Signar could be my housecarl. He would also assign a permanent guard if I bought a home, so that the riff-raf in town would not bother me or my belongings while I was out doing whatever a Dragonborn does.
I talked to Adventus as he suggested and we came to an agreement on a small house here in town. I didn't really want a house in town, but if I was going to have people assigned to me then they needed a place to lay their heads. Well truthfully their were times when I really wanted some privacy, more than one could get in a rented room at an Inn.
So we moved the little I had into a small house next to the smithy, I was very happy that it had an alchemy lab and an enchanting table. Once everything I had was moved from the Inn's storage, I looked longingly at the bed, but I knew Signar wanted an explanation of some kind. With a guard coming I wanted to get this over as quickly as possible with as few people knowing about me as possible, bad enough Ainise knew some.
So I sat down and motioned Signar to sit across from me in front of the fire place. I got two tankards and a bottle of strong ale and poured us both a bit. I told him about the assassin's and how anyone who knew to much about me or my family ended up dead. How an a distant relative humiliated a member of our cities most prominent family and everything that meant to me. It almost explained why the hatred had been passed down over time, but he didn't need to know the actual length of time involved.
I was lucky what ever mer blood I had, I aged slowly and that on top of not really living in any one time. I was much older than I looked, but I tried to look as young as I could, while still looking competent anyway.
He wanted to know about the dragons and the first time I had seen one, I explained about waking up in the cart and putting my head on the block only to have a huge dragon save me from a very nasty fate. I just didn't tell him that I had went through the same thing three times already.
He remarked that their was more to it and i said yes, he nodded and said he understood, trust is earned and he would earn my trust. I said good nite and that we would head to Markarth tomorrow, via carriage as I had had enough excitement for a day or so at least. He laughed and said good nite.
I stood reeling in front of the Statue of Azura, she had given me all the answer's I sought and more, many more. My answers where not in words, but in looking at the woman's whole life. How as a young child she had been raised by male cousins because her mother had been slain, In the one way that they did not come back at a specific time from. How when she came of age they told her of the contract out on the female line and that if she wanted to live, she would hide who she was. Told her of the curse that would keep her going back to the same point in History, until such a time as she did what ever it was that was supposed to be done. I saw her history, understood who she was, what she was to the people. I asked one more question, while I still felt the Ladies presence, she did not answer. Whichever Deadra or Aedra was pulling this woman's strings, Lady Azura had respect for, at the very least.
I was walking down the stops to my horse, when it hit me, I knew how to kill this woman, not just now, but so that she would never come back and I had the means to find all her female relatives. Azura was testing me, their was no doubt in my mind.
Level 18
Conjuration 37*
Destruction 22*
Restoration 21
Alteration 39*
Enchant 45*
smithing 42*
1h 37*
archery 36*
Light armor 39*
sneak 24
lock pick 21
speech 34
Alchemy 34 *
* has perks
Seeing what her style is to know what to put perk's in more.