the video contains in game stats, skill tress & how skills are allocated, the game map, and all general stats
the video contains in game stats, skill tress & how skills are allocated, the game map, and all general stats
Hey, I may not play, but love watchin' y'alll!!
Oh, and sorry 'bout the other dead folks too!!
Thank's guy's... Mardig's twin may show up for the next round. Though Mardig himself will be running the Nekkid Nord Race.
I'm going to give myself a chance to catch up on some of my Writing and other RPs that have been neglected.
hello every one
this one is very tiered and will post her level 40 tomorrow morning, also this one will give a small summery of her progress so far
in this run everything is going to plan, well a little better than expected, tomorrow this one will be in the position to start doing quests without the fear of getting killed in every conflict.
it is very funny but her death in the previous run has liberated her and is playing with a good rhythm .
so far this one has a full set of Ebony Armor 350pts & a Ebony mace 150pts damage
PS ..............Rick this one hopes your safe & OK
Well he just might be up for that kinda challenge.
Ooohh sorry to hear that. Let me know if you are going to restart.
As their are a few of us that have died.... and the weekend is coming up ( more time for some) I will post the Nekkid Nord Race course.. Do remember race runner's... Iron weapons only, NO armor... for those on PC you may console command in that silky Teddy....but Rick want's a pic ( female only)....lol The race will start from Helgen Cave exit... you may use an existing character IF you have a save. Anyone is welcome... DiD rules apply...though you may re-load as many times as you want...from Helgen cave exit.
Vixi and Serana have just returned from the Soul Cairn. They now have all three of the you-know-whats. Vixi is eager to put Serana somewhere safe and get away on her own for a while, as it's maddening to constantly be hit by your own ally's spells. Also, for some reason, Serana keeps complaining when Vixi's Dawnbreaker sword keeps going boom on those undead...
Vixi is just a hair below level 24. She's got 36 quests, 37 miscellaneous quests, 4 daedric quests, and one questline completed (CoW.) She's wearing a mixed set of looted light armor, and her primary fighting style is Flame Cloak & Dawnbreaker, with occasional boosts from flesh armor and/or vegetable soup. She carries around a bunch of potions, but rarely uses any of them.
This is also posted on the 1st page...and if we need a new thread I will of course post the 1st page on it!! Good luck...and as it's already the Weekend in some places....
Edit: Let me know if we all want to "open post" the times...cause it's all in good fun... or make a competition out of it and send me the times.
hello every one
above are this ones stats at level 40, will post a video every 10 levels .......
this one has done all the work & has a decent damage rating of 150 & Armor of 370pts, ..........how the game play feels is 1hit from me = 1 hit from them, the game is very balanced and is like playing adept ....this will change around level 50 where the game will start replacing every opponent with the equivalent Legendary version.......this is where all the fun starts ..........this one will be at her max & so will the game.
in one or two levels this ones smithing, enchanting, illusion & pickpoket will be at 100 ...............and will start focusing on the remainder of her skills
Beloved Goddess Supreme Holy Divine Games Master Areial .................hello
ouch ...........you shot this one in the
this one will do the run over the phone with Rick like the last time, he just dose not know it yet ............ouchggles
so you will get official times from both of us .......this is fantastic Beloved Goddess Supreme Holy Divine Games Master Areial, thanks so much for putting all this together
hello Andra Hawksdaughter
this one is so happy you like to come and watch, but what makes this one even more happy is that you take part in the thread ....and have your say even though your not playing
that's so nice & make you our First EVER Official Spectator & Supporter ................thank you so much
You also get for being our First EVER Official Spectator & Supporter a Seasons Gold Pass to all the Dead is Dead Games & front row seats to the next Super Bowl on February 7, at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, Solitude
Courier:........"I have a letter for you......lets see, here we go front row seats to the next Super Bowl"
Whoo Hoo!! Ha...I'm official!
Thank you Sah!!
Adella.....Level 40
The Contessa continues to climb with effortless majesty ( is that an almost imperceptible smile in her picture?)Vixi has reached level 28.
Quests: 49
Misc: 49
Daedric quests: 5
Quest lines completed: 2
She now wears Ancient Falmer armor, and she carries Dawnbreaker and Auriel's Bow. She is glad to be traveling alone again, as Serana was most tiresome and annoying.
I don't want to sound ignorant but...... You know the Fun Run....what is the actual objective...?
Ok, thanks...I presuming that the course hasn't been laid down yet?
I'm going to record my fun run when it's on, for the viewing of you all
The course is on the 1st page, at the bottom of the 1st post in a spoiler tag....
^^^^ in the spoiler.. you choose your "exact" route, I just choose check points... good luck!
You can...and I would, pick flowers, egg's and butterfly's along the way. Of course Difficulty is up to you... Rick and Sah will be on Legendary ( as always) I'm running at Adept..
lol... started already... post #137 on this page...