And glargg may have bitten off more than he can chew.
Vixi is in Solstheim now, chasing after you-know-who. She's starting to show a mind of her own, not unexpectedly, and the result is that now we're going where Vixi wants to go, not where I want her to go. (She's not interested in listening to any debate on the matter.)
Awwe sorry to hear that! You are more than welcome to enter into the Nekkid Nord Race...
this is so good, ...................Fantastic Adella
NOTE you have taken far less potions than this one.......yesterday this one got into some trouble and had to almost drink all her potions in one hit........12 potions ...........still at level 40 a master vampire is so deadly
this one love how you have set up your skills .................a fast moving warrior/ranger in glass armor, and there is the potential for many more levels from other skill trees ..............a master at work!
Rick this one is so impressed and there are aspects of the game that this one is learning from you...................for one this one would love to get her hands on your alchemy manual
you are so correct about DiD being the place to learn how to set up a legendary build to support one main factor...............that you only have ONE life from start to end, .........and that there are so many ways to do it
the most fantastic thing about the DiD thread is the the Family of people that live there............
from all over the world we all share our love and passion for this aspect of the game, we encourage & share our adventures, but its the bonds of friendship that makes DiD even better than playing the game it self .............
this one is currently Level 46 will post her level 50 stats tonight ....................this ones plan is to get as many shouts together before activating the dragons, still has to go and get the spellbreaker.
this one will munch through the main quest line as fast as she can recording only the important parts that will be part of a set of videos to be made using the dragonborn DLC...........
the focus will be the Dragonborn DLC........and recording all the quests available. ............The Voice Awakens a land far far away.......
PS..............who is left standing (NOT dead yet)?
YEA! .................this one is rooting for you glargg ...............puts on her I LOVE
GLARGG hat .............go get em cowboy
So I got my Race run done... I will PM my time to Mr B.A. as I will only run the once. I probably could go faster, but as I set the course... I think just once is fair.
Other than time... left Helgen exit lvl 1...finished lvl 3 on Adept.
11 People killed
54 animals killed
4 potions
62 ingredients eaten
24 locations discovered ( passed by I guess)
Iron mace and Iron shield
I will get my pic's up on the 19th... my data is very low.
Sure he did... cause he couldn't out run everything. so kill or be killed!! Most of the "people" I think were in Helgen... though he was stopped 3 times by a thief and had to kill him. Munchies... picked 'um along the way to... never stopped though, just kept right on going ( except at check points... ) Kill the wolf...leave the carcass for the buzzards ( which seem to be missing from Skyrim) Oh... and the only time he "sprinted" is to get away ...usually from bear's and bandit's.
lol... well.... very fast!!!! A horse would have been a better idea! lol
and here it is LEVEL 50 .......... contains full armor set up + skill trees & stats
tomorrow level 60
Rick now we both know that you are the best at doing this run
...............REMEMBER you thrashed this one by 10min
...............and this one enjoyed every mint of it
that's fantastic Areial.......annnnnnd the time was? ...."we let you know right after these commercials from our sponsors"
Girl Scouts Week
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Should be able to start fun run Tomorrow Evening.....if my cooler comes. I will NOT lose my progress due to laptop overheating! Also, tomorrow, I have two exams, so I will need something to unwind.
Tues - Sociology & History (Britain - Churchill in WW2/ 1945 Election)
Weds - Psychology
Thurs - History (The Cold War in Asia)
King... Good luck on the Exam's!!!! Loved History....hated tests!!
1 hr, 27, min, 46 sec...stop watch on my
OK..... so open post the times. No second run if you don't like the time...only a restart if you die. My time is probably not the fastest... I never sprinted unless being chased and that didn't always work.
My Cooler came a day early! Time to do that run (later) xD
So, I'm gonna join the Nekkid Nord Race. From what I'm understanding, I'm not forced to choose the nord so I'll go with a Breton.
Also, is this the path to follow?
*Helgen cave Exit * Vilemyr Inn
*Fort Neugrad
*Alchemist's Shack
* Shor's Stone
*Mixwater Mill
* Frozen Hearth
*Glenmoril Cave
*Dushnik Yal
* Frost Fruit Inn
* Deepfork Crossing
* The Dragon Bridge
* The Apprentice Stone
* Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp
* NIghtgate Inn
Gotta remember that I'm doing this at lowest difficulty, kind of a "speed run with no brakes." I appreciate the encouragement, but there's no way I'd be flying through this at the difficulty that you play!
Vixi has killed Miraak, so now she truly is the "last Dragonborn." She's about to summon a certain "helper" to be captured at Whiterun, so she can get a ride to a certain out-of-the-way place, and chase down He-who-must-not-be-named...oh, wait, this isn't Harry Potter, is it?