hello every one after 4 hours play this one is Level 9 https://youtu.be/flomVfCn7QI
Misc Objectives 39
Main Quests 2
Side Quests 1
Companions 1
College 1
Thieve Guild 2
Brotherhood 1
hello every one after 4 hours play this one is Level 9 https://youtu.be/flomVfCn7QI
Misc Objectives 39
Main Quests 2
Side Quests 1
Companions 1
College 1
Thieve Guild 2
Brotherhood 1
what we can use perks? ............giggles .........ah well will keep on playing as is, this one will see if she has to use them
PS..........hello MrBattleAxe can you please please put this ones name in pink pleeeeaaasseeeeeee
I don't see that in the rules, and it wasn't part of the discussion leading up to the round. I think recharging is all right, you just can't create new enchantments.
The main idea here was to strictly limit the time, and force the use of found (or quest-awarded) items. In other words, a quick, no-grind play-through.
Edit: In thinking about it, it might be problematic to finish the CoW quest line without recharging. On several playthroughs, I've had the Staff of Magnus run out of charge before its job was done, requiring recharge.
I've been having a blast at it too! Just questing with the hope of finding better armor is good fun. Currently rocking leather bracers and boots with Whiterun guard armor and an Orcish greatsword/bow.
Still searching for that leather cuirass.
I'm glad we can recharge items. If not, I had plans to make straight for the Longhammer tonight and some Elemental Fury word walls!
(I still might do that, just for fun).
The Falmer wants a wife
Blackreach police swooped in as the season finale was unfolding and arrested Roderic the Falmer!
An anonymous call tipped of police that Roderic is really a vegetarian and has not been eating all the contestants, but has been keeping them all for his little love harem!
"Sahlander No. 2" a new fragrance by the world's top female fashion model: Sah Vulon called "No. 2" which is hot, irresistible, and untamed, for beautiful people only!
I haven’t started yet due to a misappropriated HDMI cable. If I can’t get anyone to confess tomorrow I’ll start Three-Boots on the PS3. That means no Dawnguard points, but I think there are plenty of other quests to do without it.
2hr's 35 min
lvl .....3
Quest's ..........7
misc quests....0
Armor: Iron armor, imperial boots ( heavy), Iron gauntlets, ( helmets... imperial officers, novice hood )
Weapon: Imperial bow, steel mace, iron mace of embers * ancient nord battle ax of cold*
He also has a timberwolf cloak 0 AR and a Timberwolf steel helemt -1 AR on imperial helmet... for "looks" in cold area's... what can I say... I'm weird that way.
Captain Horker is at level 7, 4 hours and 7 minutes.
5 Quests, 6 Misc.
Steel Armor, boots, helmet, shield. Gauntlets of Major Wielding.
Ring of Minor Stamina, Amulet of Arkay.
Hunting Bow of Embers, Honed Ancient War Axe of Cold.
Scimitar (his main weapon), taken from an Alik'r killed by a mudcrab.
hello every one
8 of 40hours
Misc Objectives 67
Main Quests 2
Side Quests 3
Companions 1
College 1
Thieve Guild 2
Brotherhood 1
Civil War 2
Daedric 1
NOTE in the last round this one totally underestimated Rick & was not expecting his quest blitz, this one was outplayed big time,
so this one has learnt her lesson (thanks Rick) this one will not be making tactical errors like that ever again.
its that time of the month ............ ..............giggles ...........
http://i.imgur.com/jQ9WDwI.jpg is at the foot of the 7,000 steps. He has acquired what I hope will be his end-game ensemble of iron helmet, iron gauntlets, iron boots, studded armor, banded iron shield, and a Skyforge steel sword. His bow is an Imperial bow of Weariness. No helpful enchanted jewelry so far, but he has found some Alteration- enhancing stuff that he’s holding onto just in case.
At 3 of 28 hours...
Quests: 8
Misc Objectives: 7
Main Quests: 4
Side Quests: 2
The Companions Quests: 2
A notable incident was finding a Necklace of Smithing in the possession of a bandit, then finding the dead woman who used to own the necklace. Three Boots simply tucked the stolen necklace back around the dead woman’s neck. I’m not sure if he’s noble, sentimental, or gross. Either way he had no use for the necklace.
He’s had an unpleasant encounter with the Thalmor and found a note on a soldier that he feels he should deliver to headquarters in Windhelm. Mikken does not hold a grudge against the Empire since he killed the one captain who annoyed him, but I suspect he will favor the Stormcloaks.
Rafer, that sounds hilarious. Fast Healing, what an awesome find!
Mikken Three Boots did something new for me when he led the frost troll into High Hrothgar. That was a riot. Then on the way back down on the Whiterun side he tried to cast a healing spell but Whirlwind Sprinted to his death instead. Considerably less amusing.
As he fell he was heard to cry out, “But I can’t die, I’m on Noviiiiiiiice!” I knew I should have remapped the triggers to match ESO.
Good luck, runners! May that treasure chest contain just what you are looking for!
hello every one
12of 40hours
Misc Objectives 85
Main Quests 5
Side Quests 5
Companions 1
College 1
Thieve Guild 3
Brotherhood 1
Civil War 2
Daedric 3
it feels so strange being able to kill things with one hit at such a low level (19), on legendary to be able to engage in any descent combat you have to get to at a level 40
LvL 3
4 hr's 15 min.
Misc quests........1
Armor: Steel, Iron gauntlets, Imperial boots. Imperial officers helmet or Novice hood
Weapons: Banded Iron shield, Steel mace, Iron mace of embers Imperial bow, steel arrows
Found items: Ice wolf cloak of resist frost , iron helmet of minor magicka, timber wolf cloak of resist magic.
The Falmer wants a wife
Roderic the Falmer today spoke to the press, among other things he said;
"I am blind......love is blind....what did you expect?" ..........."we don't get may visitors in Blackreack except for the occasional Dragonborn & they have no time to socialize........they just rush off to find some stupid Elder Scroll"
He concluded; ....."On behalf of all Falmer I would like to point out that some of us are vegetarians & vegans ..............has no one ever noticed all the giant mushrooms growing all over the place?"
"Clash of Kyne"
Froki:...... 'This is the true story of a powerful and courageous grandfather and his chubby pup of a grandson'.....,he says getting an indignant look from Haming, but before he can interject
Froki continues: ............'It's called The Legend Of The Last Kyne Pup'....... 'There was once two warring clans: the Barbarians, and the free NPC's,' he says,
suddenly and very abruptly chubby Haming cuts in and says:.........."but Why? I want to watch the soldiers."