Poor Ulda....due to the abysmal AR I forced through her character preference and insisted she wear a leather helmet....pretty sure she hated that. Due to the even more abysmal One handed rating, I took a leaf from the Mace Maiden's book and ended up trading a poor steel dagger for a more capable Orcish Mace.
So, how did she fair? Well it still takes about six swings to end a wolf and an Outlaw takes about 40 % out of her on each strike......so it's exciting and pants cacking at times. Bandit Thugs are due about now. Closest shave.....in the forest West of Falkreath Ulda and Lyds ran into one of those Thalmor Execution Squads. I didn't even try to fight it out. Ulda was baked in a flame jet on a par with Mirmulnir. I just high tailed it outta there...... Using Lydia proved a wise descision.....she runs interference and hits a lot harder than Ulda.
What has she done? BFB, Embershard, Mirmulnir, Knifepoint Ridge, built Lakeview Manor ( Base of Operations) and trashed a few bandit camps

Next on the list.......finish Lakeview off, and then Get the Ancients Ascent dragon Soul and then get my fav shout from Autumn Watch towers. After that I guess it's TG in Riften time

prognosis.......well as is predictable, the baddies are getting badder and the armour remains cack.....so the omens are not good. I think past level 15 it's a bit of a lottery! Cash generation is reasonable for the level, but so far it's all been eaten up by the Lakeview build and equipment upgrades. Right now I got under 300 Septims

Asking Ulda to stand in for me was a good choice, she feels quite natural of course in this sneaky scouting role....sneaky bow work then rushing in with a mace to the face. Of course pure B&E is a different thing and remains to be seen.
The big problem with thieving straight off the mark is that you can't sell it until you get to a fence.....the inventory gets rapidly over filled with junk. However.......now I have Lakeview with 'Safe Chests' I have somewhere to store the ill gotten gains and the Purloining can Proceed

4am here in a good old Blighty.....time to turn in

Edit.....ok Glargg.....you know me well......a slight rattling WAS underway