I'm much more comfortable at Master. And also at playing sneaky characters, rather than a big armor-clanking Orc or Nord. 
Lulu sprayed the last of the bandits with fire, while her wolf familiar Lucky chewed on him from behind. He fell with a clatter of armor and greatsword, and lay still. Embershard Mine fell quiet, but for the sound of running water. It was over, and the bandits were all dead.
For a brief moment, Lulu thought she saw a ghostly female orc, clad in steel, saluting with a massive warhammer, but then the apparition faded. Some lost soul who had died here recently, perhaps.
On searching the mine, Lulu found that the bandits had amassed a fair amount of treasure. There were several precious stones, quite a pile of gold septims, and several enchanted items. Now she would be able to afford some real spells, perhaps even a fire atronach. She looked at Lucky, and sighed. She had had him since she was a girl. There was a time when she had considered the ghost wolf a strong and able companion. The past couple of days had opened her eyes to the truth: Lulu was in a very dangerous place, and she was very weak, and Lucky could no longer be trusted to protect her. Lucky let out a howl, as if he could hear her thoughts, and he vanished back to Oblivion in a crackle of sparks.
Lulu filled a bag with the best of the loot, and left the mine into the deepening night. Tomorrow she would sell it all to the local merchant, and set out for Whiterun.