DiD competition Round XII- Dawnguard

Post » Wed May 11, 2016 11:01 pm

Neil... I think you changed the order :hehe: ... but that be fine... we can do Wraith then Ghost, then Shade then Whisp....

Edit; NM.....

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Kate Schofield
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 8:32 pm

Going from memory, so I'll just give a brief update.


Level 12



Steel Armor (Superior)

Steel Helmet (Superior)

Steel Imperial Gauntlets (Superior)

Steel Boots (Superior)

Steel Shield (Superior)

Steel Mace (Superior)

Necklace of Wielding (20% boost)

Lord Stone

Skills -

Smithing @ 30

1H @ 47

Block @ 33

Heavy Armor @ 31

Illusion @ 24

Destruction @ 25

Restoration @ 28

Quests Completed -


The Golden Claw

(Handful of misc. objectives as well)

Our heroine is currently in the midst of a poor life choice, chasing down the Aetherium Forge. The Falmer svck, and have nearly ended our adventure multiple times now. Definitely would have perished in Arkngthamz without Katria's help.

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Angela Woods
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 11:55 am

Nope.....that IS the right order.

Human......We all start here

Zombie......neil was here after his first death

Wraith........so now he drops to here because he died again.




The idea is less solid, and less real, and less dangerous/capable as you descend the list dropping difficulties as you go.
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 9:06 am

Rick...Oh...ok... 《 yawns》 more sleep is required.

Neil...sorry... I knew I shoulda checked, didn't have time though.

:D~ y'all have fun today! I be at work...again...lol... I just need to pack my PC and jammies and move in.
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 10:32 am

After i told her what happened back at Largashbur, Dinya Balu offered to show me how other people surpass the obstacles they encounter.

On my way back from Ivarstead, i encountered two strong vampires. I managed to run away, but i got infected by their touch. Fortunately i got in time to a shrine and cured before the disease spread.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIlJ7RNuwhk (the game crashed just when i killed the last bandit, so i had to load from the last autosave)





Lvl: 1

Points: 0

Penalties: 0

Time spent: ~ 8 hours

Major skills: One-handed, Block, Heavy armor, Restoration

Minor skills: Smithing, Destruction, Lockpicking, Speechcraft

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Ellie English
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 10:46 am

Itaei is in Riften having a chat with his marsh friend, Madesi

He is level 9. Playtime is 9 hours 19 minutes.

No penalties or points yet.


1 handed = 23

Block = 28

Heavy Armor = 28

Smithing = 16

Illusion = 16

Destruction = 38

Restoration = 25

One very very scary near death where he was chased by 2 ice wraiths and a frostback spider. I kid you not his health bar was a sliver and I was out of potions. Thought for sure he was gonna die. He jumped in the water and went under saving his backside. Thank goodness he can breathe underwater LOL

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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 1:17 pm

Go to Nchuand-Zel at level 12, they said. It will be fun, they said.

Forgot about the Falmer mob in the one hallway. Almost joined the undead club, again.
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 1:08 pm

Ouchies.... sorries?

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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 8:05 pm

Lol, I should know better. I'm still in cruise mode from the playing the last comp. on novice. :P
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 8:33 am

LOL... ummm yeah... this is one where even a "novice" can die....easily!

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 12:44 pm

Inuksuk, meaning "Zombie" in the Dwemer language (not really) is carving a smoldering path through Skyrim.

Distrustful of mercenaries and would-be housecarls, he fights alone. He is fascinated by the Dwemer and seeks their knowledge to amass power and destroy his enemies.

Inuksuk has not been sitting still since arriving in Skyrim. He followed Ralof out of Helgen, warned the Jarl, retrieved the Dragonstone (but kept it for himself). He relocated to Windhelm and has been helping the locals with their troubles. An avid smith and Dwemerphile he crafted himself a full set of Dwarven armor and two Dwarven swords. Armed to the teeth, he went looking for Queen Freydis' sword in Ansilvund.

(I was like "Ansilvund at level 9, wtf?!?! It reminded me of the my very first Companions quest when my level 2 character was sent to Shimmermist. I thought my character was broken).

Ansilvund was filled with evil mages and draugr and would have made short work of a lesser warrior, but aided by his inborn abilities and the Atronach stone, Inuksuk turn the foul magic around and roasted the mages in jets of flame. (I did not plan on using Dragonskin right away, but shortly after entering the ruin Inuksuk was surrounded by four mages. Using Dragonskin made him absorb 100% of the magic and he was able to duel cast flames continually without depleting his magicka. It actually stayed nearly full. So with unperked destruction, basic flames and no investment in magicka, Inuksuk took down a room full of mages. Fun!

The draugr were much simpler to deal with. They would beat in his shield while being slowly hacked to pieces or fried with flames. At the end he had to deal with Lu'ah and Fjori and Holgeir. She was such a low level that she could only fire one or two ice spikes before having to go melee, and she had only her fists. Fjori and Holgeir seemed to only be restless draugr in strength, except they could use Unrelenting Force. Inuksuk only caught one shout, but absorbed it. He easily killed all of them and was rewarded with the super useless Ghostblade. He also found Queen Freydis' sword. Returning it to Oengul earned him a smithing lesson.

Next up Curalmil. The most difficult fights were with the ice wolves outside the cave. The denizens inside were no match for the Dwarven armored warrior, as only Curalmil was higher than a restless draugr. He returned the cracked white Phial to the ungrateful snot elf and now is planning his next move. He has been approached by an Orc seeking vampire hunters, but has also found a mysterious glowing shard that was used by the Dwemer. There is also the Dragonstone to return to Whiterun. So many options.

Currently, level 14 with 5 and half hours played (plus 10 and a half played with Ignatius, puts me at 16 hours in).
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 8:52 pm

Ah, shimmermist.

That lovely slice of Hell with a level 30 boss and 20 something Falmer at the end.

GG, svckers. Lol
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 3:12 pm

Just a quick update on Gabriel's current status as i've not actually played in a couple of days....



Level 12

Current playtime 8 hours 43 minutes (+4 hours 30 for previous)

Remaining playtime 86 hours 47 minutes


Illusion 21

Conjuration 26

Destruction 38

Restoration 25

Alteration 20

Enchanting 15

Smithing 32

Heavy Armour 15

Block 15

2 hand 15

1 hand 32

Archery 15

Light armour 35

Sneak 15

Lockpicking 20

Pickpocket 15

Speech 31

Alchemy 20

Through all this, the only vampires Gabriel has actually run into are a pair pretending to be vigilants near Riften on his way to join the Dawnguard....

Which is a point, he has arrived at Fort Dawnguard to sign up and begin the fight against the vampire menace, but no other quests to warrant points I believe....

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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 9:25 pm

On the bright side of things, after tackling that mess, Bandits are child's play now. I think that effectively shook off the rust of not doing a dry run. :flamethrower:

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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 11:20 pm

I hear ya on that. Tyler's practice was much easier actually... He spent an hour trying to kill a certain dragon at a certain watch tower last night.

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Taylah Haines
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 8:36 am

*wince* I can imagine. Rhea isn't ready to wake up the dragons yet, and is in no rush to right now. Trying to build her magic resistance first.

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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 2:38 pm

I really don't understand... As with Areial, my practice runs with Brand on Legendary were easier by far, for some reason. I have to agree with... uhh, somebody... (Kane or Rafer, perhaps?) who said earlier that it's interesting playing with magic actually being useful. I seem to be constantly amazed at how quickly opponents fall on Eggspurt difficulty, except the residents of the Ratway were tougher than anything else Brand has faced.

Anyway, here's update on the Wrathful Wraith Brand:



---Last Seed, 18th, 4E 201---

5 - 4 5:25am Hours in: 12 hours 15 minutes (40 hours 05 minutes total)


Dungeons cleared:

Embershard Mine

Bleak Falls Barrow

Halted Stream Camp

Redoran's Retreat

Autumnwatch Tower

Ratway section up to the Ragged Flagon




Conjuration.......26 (damned book got me even though I was only trying to get Lydia to read it)






Hvy Armor............25


2 Handed.............15

1 handed.............32


Lite Armor............16





---Last Seed, 18th, 4E 201---

Yesterday I was a prisoner at the headman's block, today it seems I am an adventurer. What a marvelous evolution!

Today I encountered some ruffians who had killed a woman and stolen her necklace. I managed to send them to the hell they deserved, and I now wear the necklace which seems to grant improved performance with one-handed weapons. I'm thinking of it as karma.

Just up the hill from where I'd met them, I found a tower and was attacked by three bandits who were kind enough to help me sharpen my skills before they died. The third and last opponent, a woman- finally threw herself from a cliff to her death in a fit of despair. Sad, really...

I also went into a nearby mine, and encountered a gang of bandits who were using the mine for a base. When the attacked, I tried to tell them I just wantede to borrow a pick and a torch, but they wouldn't listen at all. I was forced to kill them all.

---Last Seed, 25th, 4E 201---

Things just keep getting stranger in this frozen asylum. Jarl Balgruuf indicated that I should go to High Hrothgar and speak to "the Greybeards". so, I set out, with a stop in Windhelm to speak to the castle wizard in residence there.

When I arrived in the village of Ivarstead, a bear was attcking the town, an I stepped up to do my part to save the citizenry. In the prcessw, a local ill owner named Fafhsferd or some such managed to get a bit chilled by my frostbite spell, and the next thing I know I've been hauled off to Riften by the local guards.

Now, I have to make the trek all the way back to Ivarstead again... For a Septim I'd show that Fafhsred woman what a mage can really do...

---Last Seed, 27th, 4E 201---

Finally made it to High Hrothgar, and it was indeed instructive and interesting. The Greybeards gave me quest of sorts as a test, and so I'm heading for the Northern reaches of skyrim.

On the way, I thought to sell of some items at an Imperial Camp, and encountered anohter dragon at Autumnwatch Tower. CArrying all that weight, I opted to pass through Riften and sell off some dragon bones.

Riften itself proved interesting the second time around. I had heard a good deal of talk about the Ratway, and I decided to investigate as long as I was in town... That was almost a deadly mistake.

I encountered thugs armed with huge and deadly greatswords, lowlifes that were far tougher than one would think, and some guy who tried to beat me to death with his hands. I spent half my time running for my life wile I was in that damnable sewer. All's well that ends well though.

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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 4:13 pm

Great update Neil. One thing I like about Skyrim is that just when you're starting to feel, hmmm bold might be the word or confident, some mob that you don't expect to be tough comes along and "wakes you up" so to speak! Like the first time I ever came across the dreaded Scavenger. :)

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 6:29 pm

Oh yeah... it's odd... during practice, Tyler ran into a few of the "skooma/ Moondust" dealers... has not seen one yet now, so had no Elswyr Fondue to get his magic to regenerate faster. The only thing of note is Killing the 1st Dragon & buying a ring of minor magicka, which took a good chunk of his gold... he's 400 septim's short of a necklace of minor smithing.. he would really really like to have that....So me think's he might stick around Whiterun maybe drag Lyd's around and make some gold.

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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 8:43 am

Bram....yeah the Scav is special.....maybe he has a kinda minimum level no matter when he shows up. Another one just the same is the Lowlife in a certain sewar.....unarmoured but hits like a train. Another is that Khajit with his dead brother in a certain ice bound Dwemer ruin you encounter on the way to blackreach. He only has woodaxe...but he'll one hit kill ya!

The game must set their skill level to max since it can't improve the weapons......oh....but it CAN allocate the disgustingly unfair npc only "extra damage perk" which comes in a range of outputs upto 3x damage Meaning if you play on Legendary....you are facing 9x the adept damage from a regular low level npc. Then they power hit you doubling it to 18x adept damage. No wonder its fatal!!!
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 6:50 am

I'm pretty sure that you can also buy moonsugar from

almost all of the khajiit traders. the one that show up in whiterun for certain.

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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 9:27 pm

Oh, yes. Marching down the road, whistling a happy tune, and one of those snowy cat beasties jumps out and attacks. That one we escaped with the merest sliver of health, gulping potions and sprinting down the road.

Lolly Gaggin and Serana stumbled upon the Scavenger in our next-to-last session. Heroes 1, Scavenger 0. :)

DG Progress so far:


Dimhollow completed, Serana returned to Daddy's castle.

Arkngthamz explored. Lolly now has three Aetherium shards.

Heading back toward Fort Dawnguard. May stop and get the final shard at Raldbthar on the way.

Lolly's currents stats:


21 hours, 45 minutes. Level 15

Smithing 27

Block 24

1-Hand 35

Light Armor 32

Illusion 34

Destruction 52

Restoration 27

No penalties yet.

Having reached Adept level in Destruction, with reasonable perks, Lolly will now be working on her other skills.

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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 6:24 pm

:) ... Haven't seen them yet either. But hopefully they arrive soon.

:banana: Tyler just found.. in Loot an Iron shield of magic resistance 15%... LvL 7.. he used Fury on the bandit's at Valtheim Towers to get them to kill each other. Lyd's now has The Ax of Whiterun ( Steel battleaxe * with soul trap enchant ) and an Imperial bow of soul snares... and Ironhand gauntlets

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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 9:37 am

After i helped the two dead lovers find peace, i remembered something about an abandoned house in Markarth https://youtu.be/7oh2EVff_po?t=2578. I could use it as a temporary shelter until i have enough money to buy my own land, but it's never so simple...When i got there, a Vigilant of Stendarr said that the house it's under investigation, so i offer to help him. Once inside, a Daedric Lord turned Tyranus against me. I tried to run, but the door was locked. I had no choice but to kill him. He was a tough opponent and i had to use Berserker Rage.


Apparently my Restoration skill is not that good because the wound on my left leg got infected. I think the only chance is to burn the wound to get rid of that infection. I can heal the damage caused by fire. I know a place perfect for this, but it's filled with skeletons and draugr. The flames there have a constant flow and temperature, so it;s perfect for what i need.

WARNING: boring video ahead!!!




Lvl: 1

Points: 0

Penalties: 0

Time spent: ~ 11 hours

Major skills: One-handed, Block, Heavy armor, Restoration

Minor skills: Smithing, Destruction, Lockpicking, Speechcraft

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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Wed May 11, 2016 5:52 pm

I don't want to be THAT fetcher causing issues....but I had assumed the general feeling on play was level up when you can...vaguely remember discussion happening regarding holding off on level ups in previous competitions/chat threads.

I only mention because it's easy to flatten level 1 difficulty enemies when your 1 hand skill is high, making the game artificially easy.

If it's a non-issue, fair enough...just seems like it's unfair to me.

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