General DiD Rules:
Specific Rules for this round Draw for skill's* we all use what is same things -speech and lock-picking are "no perk's no penalties" * 100 hr's allowed total -14 main quest's......... 500 pt's each - 9 D.G. , 10 Vampire side quest's....radiant and repeatable.......100 pt's each - 6 "other" side quest's ( not radiant or repeatable) * 2 point grace on non-drawn skills -100 for each point that accrue's for the 1st 10 after that, then -500 accruing for each point their after. (ex Conjuration if it starts at 20 for your character 21= 0 22= 0 23= -100 24= - 100 + -100 so -200 33= -500 + -1000 so -1,500 34= -500 + -1,500 and so on ) * you may restart as a "Zombie", then "Wraith", then "Ghost" then "Shade" then "Whisp"... and if we get a restart after that...come up with Point's multiplier this round Legendary..........x 1.75 Master................x 1.50 Expert................x 1.25 Adept....... .........x 1 Apprentice.........x . 75 Novice...............x . 50 Skills, these are the luck drawn skills any other incur's penalty points after the 2 point grace. ( Speech and Lockpicking are freebies this round ) 1. Restoration 2. 1h 3. Illusion 4. Block 5. Light Armor 6. Smithing 7. Destruction 8. Heavy Armor Dawnguard quests ***********If I have forgotten something... let me know and blame it on the lack of caffeine!!!************ For anyone thinking of playing... even though the "starting date" is/was the 29th of April.. you may "sign up" at any time...and play at your own speed through out the month til the last day ( May 30th) ... 100 hr's is the limit... if you play 10 hr's a day... cool beans... you can play for 10 days... or like me 1 to 2 hr's a day...and I'll take most of the month to get as far as I can. It's the point's that actually count... have fun!!
Use only the 8 drawn skills
* 6am Local...on the 29th of April ( Friday morning) to May 30th at 6am local ( Monday morning )
* Dawnguard
- ONLY DAWNGUARD quest's count for points