We had already started discussing the next round... which will center on the theme of "Dragon Slayer".. So far the main points are:
* XXX points for each dragon killed ( XXX amount hasn't been decided)
* XXX points for each Named Dragon
- Including Dawnguard and Dragonborn named Dragons
* may have all 3 blades or 2 blades and 1 regular follower
- may not use "quest followers during their quest", now if you are walking Barbas to his quest and a dragon attacks...that's different.
* up for discussion... points for each shout "unlocked"
We will be hosting the competition in http://s15.zetaboards.com/TES_DiD/index/... while we love this Beth site, the new one is not yet conducive to our style of conversation and playing.
please feel free to add your 2 cents about our next round... but be nice!