Delphine is old too so it doesn't matter
Delphine is old too so it doesn't matter
Other than the fact that they probably can't have children, no there's nothing wrong. (Delphine must be far into menopause by now)
It's just that most people find it really unlikely.
The games' setting is very anachronistic compared to the real world. It has elements from various cultures from time periods including (but not limited to) the middle ages, the Renaissance, Colonial America, Antiquity, etc. It kinda grinds my gears when someone tries to use the "back then" thing as Aurora mentioned.
You may be right about the "pedo law" though. One of the books mentions Potema getting married to a king at age 12, though I wonder if the same can be said of peasant girls. Especially more that 200 years later since the time she was alive. We don't really have much to support either case at the time. Which is dumb considering this game does have children and there's no mention of schools or any such thing. Then again, this is Skyrim and, well, "Alduin Ent Akatosh."
The Blades are a monastic order, which means vows of celibacy. I'm sure agents have waived the rules in the past, but Delphine and Esbern would clearly be the type to not. Other than that, Delphine is too old to bear children now anyway I think, she's in her mid 50's right?
I don't think that's actually lore. They may have mer blood, but they're still human. There was a line about a half dunmer breton child, I forgot whose child he was, but they said he died early at the age of 80 I believe, because he "aged like a breton". It wasn't barenziah. It was the Dunmer Empress.
edit: Katariah was the mother.
It says her son was middle aged, so he was at least 50 when he took the throne and 52 when he died.
Emperor Cassynder (?b -
When Cassynder became Emperor at the death of his mother,, in, he was already middle-aged. Only half-elven, he aged like a (like his father, In fact, he had left the rule of Wayrest to his half-brother Uriel due to poor health. Nevertheless, as the only true blood relation of, and thus, he was pressed into accepting the throne. His rule was a short as he died after only two years on the throne in which was assumed by his half-brother,
You're kidding right? Both Delphine and Esbern were active Blades before the disintegration, Delphine still dons the ceremonial Akavir armor.
You could argue instead that None of those four were proper Blades, and that the real Blades were the super-spies like Caius Cossades. I'm sure he had his way with every gal in Balmora
If anything, they're [Skyrim's] more similar to the Original Blades, the Akaviri Dragonguard than the Blades of the Septims. I'm not sure what your reference is for "True Blades"... The Original were Dragonslayers from Akavir who had chased the Dragons from their continent to Tamriel. However, the Blades we're familiar with have literally changed every meeting. From Spies, to bodyguards, to little more than bandits in fancy dress.
I personally preferred my Blades to be of the Caius Cossades variety... I couldn't stand the ones in Oblivion, and hate the Skyrim Blades even more.
When have the Blades ever not been a disgrace? In Morrowind our main contact with The Blades was a drug addict who got himself recalled to Cyrodiil. In Oblivion The Blades were bumbling, inept buffoons. They failed in the one task assigned to them: protect the Emperor. The Blades are the Keystone Kops of the Elder Scrolls universe.
I may disagree with Delphine but I certainly have more respect for her than I have for any member of the Blades in any of the other games. At least Delphine and Esbern, it can be argued, are somewhat competent, which is more than I can say for The Blades in Morrowind and Oblivion. Of all the various incarnations of the Blades in these games Skyrim's Blades are by far my favorite.
I agree with Pseron Wyrd, i like Skyrim Blades, although they are only Esbern and Delphine. I think Skyrim Blades have more clear motivation, active, dynamic, and bad ass. Like Delphine said that the Dragonborn appearance make her remember what is the purpose of being The Blades. Esbern want to get out from seclusion when Dragonborn seek him. The Dragonborn bring new hope, motive and future to them. Whatever they are believe in being "The Blades", i respect them. They did set a path to the Dragonborn to learn more about being a Dragonborn while Greybeards let Dragonborn lost with no purpose and no answers.
Anyway, if Esbern and Delphine did have romantic feeling with each other and settle down, well, they are alone in Skyrim...and they can build the Blades like whatever they want. The Jedi originally cannot get married, but Luke Skywalker change it with the new order. Being the last have it's advantage isn't it?
they may not have the most agreeable personalities, but yes they are proper Blades.. they follow the teachings of the Akaviri Dragonguard, of which they were founded.. they are fulfilling their orders ancient duty and mandate..
If anything, its Oblivions Blades that were not proper.. they are supposed to be some of the best warriors in Tamriel, yet they are over powered by a handful Cultists some random Prisoner was able to beat with nothing but some rusted armor and weapons... they were supposed to Protect Martin, and yet only two of them walk 20 yards from Cloud Ruler to protect him during the Battle of Bruma..
If anything, its those blades that were neglecting their duty, no Delphine and Esbern
I agree, in lore we often hear about the Blades skill in espionage, and Morrowinds Blades and the Agent from Daggerfall captured this the best IMO
Not really.
I'm almost certain there's something between Irileth and Balgruuf, though.
They don't.
The Akaviri did serve the Dragonborn, while Delphine believes to be in a position to give you direct orders like "He needs to die, and it falls to you to kill him."
thats because its how TES games work.. you need someone to give you orders to progress the story..
Companions have Aela and Kodlak
Thieves Guild has Delvin, brynjolf, Karliah, Mercer, Maven
Dark brotherhood has Astrid and the Night Mother
Dawnguard has Isran
Volkihar has Harkon
she tells you what to do because its the way a storyline advances..
Plus, one of the dossiers in the Thalmor Embassy claimed Delphine is in her mid 50s, so realistically they would have to adopt.
Delphine is in her mid 50s, and Esbern is in his late 70s, according to the Thalmor dossiers. There is a 20 to 25 year gap in age between them, so yes, he is old enough to be her father.
While I am not neccesary agreeing with the this whole impling that he is unable to control his nature, I would be really happy if in the next game there was rummor that some dragon flew from High hrothgar and tried to conquere people, for the record I none of my character killed him.
Also personally I don't think that Blades where badly made fraction in games , in fact reverse would be better and that greybeards could use some fixing.
Blades offer reasons to like them and to hate them, while greybeards are presented only as super nice guys. I really think that in MQ there should be moment when something really bad happens because greybeards and Paathuranax refuse to take action , I don't know maybe the some town being destroyed by alduin and his dragons. Really just some reason for why greybeards option isn't the perfect choice.
I don't see Greybeards as super nice guys, i see them as not sincere with the Dragonborn, really.
After the initiation, they leave me with a lot of questions they never want to answer. So now i am a Dragonborn, so what? Nothing...they claim they want to guide me, but they didn't, they don't even tell me the prophecy. When the Blades show the Dragonborn what it mean to be a Dragonborn, they berated the Dragonborn, the Dragonborn have no fault to be treated like that. Yes, they finally let the Dragonborn meet with Paarthunax, but they never mention he is actually A DRAGON. So that's it, after that meeting all my characters never trust the Greybeards. Paarthunax telling things, but it is not the answer i seek. There is no reason for me to trust any of them. While the Blades show me the way, the path and destiny, the meaning of being a Dragonborn, they even share me the secrets they know. They tell me who Paarthunax really is. Did Paarthunax tell you about it before the Blades? No, he don't tell you. No one tell you but the Blades. So no, Greybeards may appear peaceful and nice, but they are not, they always have something to hide from you. Who know that they are actually serving a Dragon like the old days? Like the Dragonpriests, only the politic now is different, before it was Alduin, now it's Paarthunax. I have played both ending, side with Greybeards really make me regret with Odahving dialogue....
The Blades respect Greybeards, but Greybeards don't respect the Blades, you can see that in Season Unending